Junk Products.


I umm... hrm.
How do I want to do this...

Yeah, there is just no good way to say this. I would like to have a list of the equipment that people have had -very negative- experiences with.

Something that will give people a heads-up of things that, once purchased, just did NOT go well ever. Maybe we can all get together in this thread and save each other some headaches and money.

As a general rule for the thread, try not to post too much opinion. Identify the item, the place you bought it, the approximate price paid, and the major shortcomings that you had with it. I'd like to avoid companies being totally bashed in the process of airing your frustrations, but if something was really poo, please let us know so that we don't step in it too!


Well-Known Member
Do you want things that just did not work or things that seemed to harm? You will also have to allow for people who did not use the product properly.


I'll start with a general one.


I am not going to pick on any one product or company with this. Instead these are some general guidelines that I would want someone to tell me.

1. Keep in mind this is a new technology. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Beware companies that don't offer scientific research to back their claims. Look for things like Kelvin temperature on the bulbs, extensive contact info for the company, or a list of their support mechanisms for the product being offered.

2. LED's dont make much heat, but they still need HEATSINKS. Make sure that whatever you buy has adequate heat dissapation build into the unit.

3. The better bulbs come in 3 and 5 watt varieties. If something advertises 26bulbs and runs at 26watts, you pretty much know those are the cheaper 1watt bulbs.

4. Most of all, just do your research before buying. My best example of this right now would be Solaris. Solaris makes the biggest baddest LED reef light out there and are (as most of you know) in a nasty lawsuit for patent infringement over the Electronic Controller for their lighting solution. Last I checked their website was even down. I've talked to a lot of people about their product and it seems that they made really quality units up until they started to mass produce. Once that happened they have had all manner of technical problems from light burnouts to fans stopping etc. With all this going on, I am staying away from purchasing for the time being. Better to let this sea of troubles calm down and let them get it all sorted out. They may turn out to be really good in the end. Let's hope.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with LED being under the title of junk products. Even if we avoid the Solaris debate there are a number of other companies producing quality LED lighting.
LED is clearly the lighting of the future and I would definitely not call it junk.
I certainly wouldn't call my Solaris junk and they seem to be the most controversial LED lights.


Yeah I picked a horrible example.

Didn't mean for it to go that way at all.
I -REALLY- like LED lighting. It is definitely not junk! What I was trying to say was "LED is new. Be careful that you don't buy one that is built poorly."

I shouldn't have used Solaris as an example either because there is so much controversy with them right now. Many people that bought from them early are very happy. And there are an equal number of people that are extremely displeased with the more mass-produced units.

Chalk this up to a horrible example. Just trying to get it started.
My goal for this thread was really just to give info about potential problems to avoid as equipment is concerned.

If CompanyX makes ReefPump ZZ and it heats your water up a full 5degrees and makes a ton of noise while shorting out every day or 2... let's give everyone a heads up. That was the intent.


Odyssea light/JEBO (same company) fixtures are junk. I have never owned one, but have read too many posts that say "my fixture melted/burned"

Adam Black

Milwaukee Regulator and solenoid, Aqua cave, Solenoid was 40 and after that broke I bought a regulator with solenoid for 90 and that broke. Good Customer service from Milwaukee but aqua cave somehow forgot there's.


Active Member
from Dr F&S Current
Outer Orbit Pro Series HQI/T-5/LED Lights cost 1,100.00 1st one ballast burnt bulbs left and right. returned 2nd same thing got new bulbs 2 days later burnt again.. replaced burnt bulb one side entire ballast defective sent back. needless to say I did not by a current the third time. DR F&S I must say were awesome I never paid a penny for bulbs or shipping on both Currents I sent back they refunded my money asap and sent me the new light of my choice for over 400.00 less than the cost of the current. this all took place within the last 5 weeks. now I have a Coral life fixture HQI/T5 W/LED'S with no troubles so far
KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!:hammerhea


Active Member
Coaralife timer strips. The one with the mechanical dials on each end. Potential fire hazards. Multiple reports with pics of them burned.

Also a word of caution: When using power strips mount them above the water level (if possible) or away from the possibility of salt creep.


from Dr F&S Current
Outer Orbit Pro Series HQI/T-5/LED Lights cost 1,100.00 1st one ballast burnt bulbs left and right. returned 2nd same thing got new bulbs 2 days later burnt again.. replaced burnt bulb one side entire ballast defective sent back. needless to say I did not by a current the third time. DR F&S I must say were awesome I never paid a penny for bulbs or shipping on both Currents I sent back they refunded my money asap and sent me the new light of my choice for over 400.00 less than the cost of the current. this all took place within the last 5 weeks. now I have a Coral life fixture HQI/T5 W/LED'S with no troubles so far
KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!:hammerhea

We have had our Outer Orbit 48" HQI for over 3 years. The only maintenance it has required KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!:hammerhea has been to change the bulbs every 6 months to maintain the proper spectrum. The lights were all working when they were changed. It has been a great fixture, but we did buy it locally. IDK if that matters.


Instan Ocean hydrometer,paid 13 bucks,float in the thing breaks very easily and is notoriously inacurate
The powersweep powerheads by azoo (i think). The head rotaion works for maybe a week before it needs to be serviced, to bad its a pretty cool idea.


Well-Known Member
Do I have a list for you...

These are products that I have used over the years and consider out and out junk. I'm sure not everyone will agree.

Low end skinners such as Seaclone and Visi Jet. Possible the worst products I ever bought.

CPR Overflow Boxes, can't be cleaned, looses siphon, breaks easily, caused floods.

CPR hang on the tank refugiums, come apart at the seams, poor construction, often too small to do any real good.

ZooMed Powersweep Powerheads, Good idea, but the sweep parts clog quickly.

Seio, Tamm, and RIO pumps, all types. Fail quickly, parts not available, no customer support.

Most additives, except the calcium related ones. Expensive and not generally needed if you do your water changes.

All aquarium grade hydrometers. Get the refractometer you really need.