Jose's Thread, You know he needs one


Smile Maker
IMO they don't jump for the fun of it. I like to anthropromorphize (sp) just like the next guy, but this can not be a natural response. Considering that they are found in waters 30'-150' they are not swimming to the oceans surface to breach like a whale. They would be predated straight away. This is fright reaction. I observed it in Dotty on many occasions. There were times when she would exit her burrow and start swimming around the tank in a disoriented fashion. This was when I noticed she would jump. She would always find her way back to her burrow though. Many times it was after lights out.

Spotty on the other hand is completely different. He never leaves his burrow except to grab food. He is never 2" away from his burrow and I have not witnessed him jump once. It could be the age of the fish, the younger ones stay closer to their burrows while the older ones tend to stray. By moving around it's possible that this is way to increase their chances of finding a mate.

Moving around the tank IMO is not a good thing becasue it increases the chance that they are going to jump. Open water is out of their element and somehow causes a fright response.


Well-Known Member
Jose has never jumped after lights out. The main time that he jumps is when I feed. He just goes crazy. Also in my tank I know that he does not get scared, he is the king, the other fish steer clear of the King. I think that the shallow ness of my tank is what causes him to do it. He has only doe about twice that I have seen, and watch that little fish like a hawk. Jose sleeps in his burrow at night, but during the day he ventures out and roams the tank.


Well-Known Member
Interesting discussion on both fronts. I must admit that I get scared when my blue goes wandering about the tank. Not sure if he is, but I am. I don't like them at the top either! BB (and so far GG) stay at the bottom.

Craig Manoukian

Well-Known Member
Intersting observation Scott about adult/juvenile behavior. Just think about the perspevtive the fish have in a 2" water column vs the 30 - 150" depths in the open reef.


Well-Known Member
He is very mad. Im not kidding when I say this. Since I got the new tank in the room, he has been at the end of his tank closest to the big tank. He is even swimming up to the glass to see the new tank


Well-Known Member
I know. I cant wait. I want to order one right now. But I have to be patient. Unfortunatley these little fish are addicting, and they are an expensive addiction.


Well-Known Member
I know. I have just been sooooo busy with getting his new home setup I just have not had time to take any pics. I will ty too get some new ones very soon.


Smile Maker
It was a pleasure to meet Jose and see a healthy, happy BS. He was just as friendly as could be!

It was equally nice to meet you, Michael, and Megan and the rest of the crowd, and see what a beautiful tank you have created. I'm looking forward to the new tank build. It's a monster!

It would honor me for you to see my tank, if and when you are in the area. Thanks for the tour, my wife and I enjoyed it immensely.


Well-Known Member
As soon as my 240 is up and running, I will be making a trip to Mr. Coral and PEA. I would love to see your tank, and another happy Bluespot. Again thanks for the nice comments.~Michael


Well-Known Member
Now I'm really, really, jealous! You got to visit with Scott, then you get a big tank, then you get to go see Scott, then you get to go shopping, AND you get another Bluespot. Watch the credit card is all I can say!