Joining the ranks of the unemployed


NaClH2O Addicted
Thanks all! It feels great to not be totally stressed. I may actually be able to sleep tonight. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Great news - really glad to hear it. Awfully nice to be able to breathe that sigh of relief. :)


You can also get unemployment, because they are laying you off, not firing you.Here in Maryland you get about 60% of what you were making and you can receive it for over a year.


NaClH2O Addicted
miaskies - thanks. It's all resolved now - I was very fortumnate and got a new position lined up today in a different area of the company, and I'll now remain employed! A lot of states are now running out of unemployment funds and are trying to get loans from the govt. Where it will all end is anybody's guess.
Terry so sorry to hear this! Best of luck in whatever you end up doing. is a good place to keep yourself busy.

Edit: ERR I should have read posts first... well I'm glad things worked out for you!


NaClH2O Addicted
Thanks Julian! I just bookmarked - looks like a good site to check out.

Rue - I'll settle for being able to sleep tonight, which I plan on doing soon! Wine won't be needed :)


ReefmackwOW i HAVE BEEN OUT OF the loop for awhile with work, travel and work travel,,,,,,,damn,,,,, I am glad it worked out for you. I didnt vote for this recent administration, BUT I DO HOPE IT SUCEEDS, in making a change especially in the financial realm. Things can only get better from here!!!!!! :winner:


NaClH2O Addicted
I also hope the new administration and the rest of the world can turn things around before we're in another great depression.


NaClH2O Addicted
Funny, but in a way a bit cruel driving the dog wacko like that. Cats go crazy chashing a lazer, but I didn't realize that dogs do too.
Lol cruel? The dog seems to like following it, it's like chasing the scent of a small animal- they smell it but they'll never get it.


New Member
Terry...I was profoundly sad at the news of your layoff then very happy at the turn of events. Hope all continues to go well for you!:dance:


RM, I feel your pain. I think that was Clinton's favorite saying, and since I'm from Arkansas, I'm allowed.

Anyway, my wife got notice yesterday that she'll probably be laid off, so while I'll still be working, our total income is about to be cut way, way down. It's bad when they start laying off CPAs - guess there's not enough money left around for people to count.


NaClH2O Addicted
Thanks LPSLuver.

mmaness - sorry to hear that you wife may be losing her job now - let's hope & pray that the "probably" doesn't turn out be a fact. :( Your comment on not enough money left to count was sadly humerous. Things will be tough without her income, as I'm sure you already know. Hopefully your job is secure. Maybe we should just devote this thread to all RSMers affected by job layoffs.

I just gave my boss a list of possible candidates for each of the several things I used to do. Many of these I will be overjoyed to get rid of, but it means a few other folks will now be stressed out by picking up a heavier workload. "Do more with less" only works up to a point, and after that less gets done. I'm still praying that my deal doesn't get cancelled - I have to wait till Monday to get the papers to sign.