Jeff's RSM S500


Todays values:
Temp: 25,4°C
Salinity: 35 ppm
pH: 8.06
dKH: 7.7
Ca: 445 ppm
Mg: 1500 ppm
NH4: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
PO4: 0.08 ppm
ORP: 382 mV


Another update. Tank is running three months now. All corals are doing fine, I even added an Acro this weekend, hope it will survive in this young tank... I'm measuring and dosing Ca, Alk and Mg on a daily base with dosing pumps.










Looks like you had an excellent progress! Very nice!
Btw, what kind of dosing pumps you have and do you recommend them?
Are dosing pumps noisy? Any other hints in that regard?


Well-Known Member
SWEET, love the new additions. They are going to look great when they grow out.

Why not does just twice a day, morning and evening?



Cleaned the tank today, scraped the back, cleaned the VorTechs, stirred the sand and blasted the rocks.

Salinity: 35 ppm
Temperature: 25,1 °C
pH: 8,19
Alkalinity: 9,1 dKH
Calcium: 435 ppm
Magnesium: 1600 ppm
Redox: 346 mV



Well-Known Member
Everything looks great Jeff. Did you go through an algae cycle at all? Doesn't look like it (which is a good thing).

....posted from my phone full of auto correct errors.


Thanks Mike. Apparently my LR was cured already. I added two extra pieces of LR a couple of weeks after I started the tank, and that introduced some green hair algae, but the Yellow Tang took care of it. I also got some Red Cyano when I put my sandbed in the tank, but that's going away now.


Active Member
Looks great buddy, amazing when your cleaning these tanks how long it can take. I'm like right water change, Hoover some sand, oh should have scraped rear glass, clean rear glass do another water change, whilst cleaning glass ill have to remove nozzles oh well get them in the cleaner, refit nozzles now mp's look a mess, take them apart and clean, then I ain't even started the top grill, have a brew, use spoon to clean grill, then clean rocks, knock things down, re position but its not quite right, spend hour messing with rocks. Step back and think right that's inside let's do the outside lol

Wife then goes nuts when she sees buckets, skimmer cup, water leaking out of a hose that your convinced you shock dry. ;) that is pretty much my sat morning gone now but want to whip over to LFS, which is in no way local! Wife is getting even more annoyed cause you want a lump off rock and a bucket of salt, she wants you to buy a meal out and some new threads![url]


Sounds very familiar... You forgot to test the water, adjust the dosing of Ca, Alk and Mg, but before you can do that you have to mix the supplements... While the powder is dissolving in RO water we can exchange the media in the fluidized media reactors for active carbon and phosphate... :)


Active Member
Looks great buddy, amazing when your cleaning these tanks how long it can take. I'm like right water change, Hoover some sand, oh should have scraped rear glass, clean rear glass do another water change, whilst cleaning glass ill have to remove nozzles oh well get them in the cleaner, refit nozzles now mp's look a mess, take them apart and clean, then I ain't even started the top grill, have a brew, use spoon to clean grill, then clean rocks, knock things down, re position but its not quite right, spend hour messing with rocks. Step back and think right that's inside let's do the outside lol

Wife then goes nuts when she sees buckets, skimmer cup, water leaking out of a hose that your convinced you shock dry. ;) that is pretty much my sat morning gone now but want to whip over to LFS, which is in no way local! Wife is getting even more annoyed cause you want a lump off rock and a bucket of salt, she wants you to buy a meal out and some new threads! time with dad" and it is my Saturday....