It starts again


Hello everyone, I just re-entered this hobby again on Christmas, my wife purchased a used 90gallon tank for me. I used to be in the lifestlye back about 8yrs ago and for some reason gave it up. Back for the long haul now. I used to have several tanks 125, 55, (2)20h and a 40 long. All salt of course. never had a sump in any of them all with external filtration, thats right 5 of everything, (protein skimmers, heaters, canister filters). And more live rock than I care to talk about. All of my tanks were fish only. I used to have one of my 20h in my bedroom and I used to wake up in the morning finding my snowflake moray eel on the carpet all dried up, i'd just throw him back in the tank and he would be good. I am one to read any book I can get my hands on. My current tank the 90 is up and running with 100lbs of live rock and a 20L sump with 2 young percula clowns. flame hawk. extra large yellow tang. small sailfin tang. and a medium blue angel,,, yellow tang keeps that ego in check on the angel.


Google Warrior
Welcome to Rs and back to the hobby :) let's see some pics, sounds like a very nice setup.


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to ReefSanctuary, a real Sanctuary of reef forums, with lots of very nice members


Active Member
Be careful with that stocking, tangs need long tanks for swimming and may fight each other. Plus that angel is going to take up some room

But anywho welcome to rs


I had a similar journey as well...I had 8 tanks as a kid, then for a while had none. Then me son was born and as he got older he loved fish...So we bought him a 10 gallon. Then I got back into it with my 24 gallon...and now I have a 150 that I will be working on...Gotta love it.