ID , maybe free range Anemone?


Well-Known Member
This anemone looking creature appeared in a very obvious location, about a month ago, seems attached, though it must shrivel to nothing for some# of days, before i notice again in the same spot. looks healthy and harmless, but of course i would like opinions.
Note to the right, a small encrusting tube snail. recently out of the sand.



Well-Known Member
Thanks to all for the time, I wonder next month when i introduce my clown pair, if they will discover it.
I imagine that would not go well unless the nem grows substantially by then.
A good find nonetheless, definately a keeper.
Feed them twice a week and they'll grow well, I haven't heard of one getting bigger than a silver dollar but not much is known about keeping them from what I have read. Maybe someone else that has personal exp with them can chime in as mine came as hitchhikers as well and my tank is just cycled.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed Orange Ball Anemone # 2, only about the size of a pencil eraser, right next to the original.:bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer::bouncer: