Ich/Velvet/Disease Question


Hi Guys,
My tang has come down with something, he's breathing really heavy and hanging out by the return / surface. Im thinking some sort of parasite, there were a few spots on him (that a fw dip seemed to knock off, but his rapid breathing has moved to the other gill)- but not sure if it was ich or something else.

My question is: when I quarantine him and the others / is copper ( or hypo for ich )the only thing that will eliminate the disease. If he returns to good health without copper treatment while in quarantine after 6 weeks or so, will he and the others still be carriers for the parasite even thought they dont show signs of sickness or irritation?

This brings me to another question; when you guys/gals quarantine new fish for 6 weeks, do you also treat for copper? If not, how else can you be positive that the fish isnt still a carrier without being adversely or outwardly affected by the parasite.

And one more question if you dont mind, should I wait until the parasite goes through the 'fall off' phase of the cycle before attempting to tear down the tank to catch all the fish to give the tang a little recoup time before stressing him again? He's very stressed (and after what seems to be a useless fw dip) and does not appear to be getting any better; although he is still hanging in there and trying to beat this thing.

Consider this my 'I knew better and still didnt QT but will now QT all no-exceptions' lesson; lest this happen to another poor fish.



Thanks for the links Lynn...

Well he succombed to whatever ailment he had. Took less than three days.... :( Towards the end he darkened up, and got large dark spots around his body, and his heavy breathing switched to the other gill.

I wont be able to QT the rest of the fish until after I return from xmas vacation. Not knowing what killed the Tang im not even sure how or what to treat the other fish for? Or If QT'ing them is even the right move right now.

I now have my QT tank set up and cycling with a power filter. It should be ready to go when.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you lost him. I would still try to find out what happened so you can properly treat the other fish.