I want him so badly!!!


Well-Known Member

I miss Jose so terribly. I have been looking at other BSJF, but I just know none of them will be able to replace him. Plus my new Elos 70 and a Jawfish would not get along :)
But he is cute, someone here should get him!!!


Well-Known Member
Aww, Michael, I so understand how you feel. Why do you think a blue wouldn't do well in a 70g tank? Mine is in a 65g and he is doing just fine!


Well-Known Member
I bet you could come up with something streamlined and nice looking using fiberglass screening and some sort of nice framing for it. Just sayin'!


Well-Known Member
The whole purpose of the Elos Rimless tanks is to look streamline, modern and clutter free. I a "top" would just ruin the look I am trying to achieve. But I do have good news. I cant tell anyone, but I will have plenty of space for a BSJF. I will just have to figure out which tank to put him in. Megan and I a starting something, and we are so excited. Everyone here will find out soon though, we just have a few things to finish up first. :)


Well-Known Member
I would think a pyrex top would stifle gas exchange and prevent heat from escaping, just as a glass top would.


Well-Known Member
I had a glass top over my old 100 gallon reef. I actually had no problems with the tank. Corals always looked great, and the water temp. never got over 83. But I really like the open top of the Elos tanks. But like I said By the end of the year I should have a BSJF Species tank setup. I have been looking into it for a while now.
