I Think I Might Have A Problem...........


Well-Known Member
hello everyone:hallo:
i was just thinking how my recent purchase must look to none reefers.. i spent $100.00 on snails:drunk: and i dont really need them, but then again i do:) thinking back before i really got into reef tanks i would have never thought i would spend $100.00 on snails that i really could do with out, heck $100.00 for snails period just sounds ridiculous. not only did i buy them but i am actually excited about it. this is what leads me to thinking i might have a problem. i can not help but think how weird it must seem, to be happy about spending $100 on snails, lol, got to love it, huh.......now i am shopping around for toys i dont need, whats a reefer addict to do.....:surrender:

REEF ON!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
When I first got into this hobby several years ago and told my husband I going to switch from fresh water tanks to a Reef. He said great.
Then when he saw the payment for 65 lbs of live rock he said you paid what!!!! for ROCKS.
your amoung friends here we get it.


Active Member
who thought they would be paying so much for rock? or sand?

I hate how people act who don't know about they hobby...

People i work with know im into the hobby and when i tell them i have stuff to do they always say "What could you possible have to do... you play with FISH"

and thats the thing. Just because its fish and coral and not like a dog training event it seems that people just write it off.


I think people who are outside the hobby see it as childish and a waste of money, but given an opportunity to experience the fun, exciting, crazy world that is saltwater aquaria they would think differently.


Well-Known Member
i have to disagree guys. Everyone I know is in love with my tank, they always ask how it is doing and none of them are into the hobby.


well thats great Varga! It's always great to have friends or family supporting and interested in anything you do.We are not saying people in general look down upon the hobby, just simply stating our experiences with the people we associate with. I think the public as whole enjoys marine aquaria, simply because it's beautiful and so amazing.But a vast majority of people are not interested in caring for their own tank.It's not a "I'm right, your wrong" thing.It's just personal experiences and feelings.


Active Member
Anytime someone asks a question they want you to tell them this one step thing that has to be done... it seems they are just makin small talk and when you actually try to give them the answer they were askin for it seems they shake their head and just say "Wow that is just too much stuff to remember for me"


Active Member
The cost of Rock I find is an opener to educate my aquaintaces and friends by telling them how the relationships in the tank environment work and where and why some of our barrier reefs are in danger. It has spawned some great discussions on how the hobby industry isnt to blame for all the damage. And in fact the business has added to research and provided better understanding of this part of our underwater of beauty. When they make dismissive comments it can be an opportunity to explain a little more depth and provide them with some truely interesting information. They dont know what they dont know.


Well-Known Member
yea. i don't tell my firends about my tank because most of them just think give a fish a bowl and some food it will be fine


Well-Known Member
Ha, I thought I was going to get to give Prow some advice! We have the same problem!! so when you figure out how to fix it let me know.

All of my friends ask me about my tanks too. It's not, "How are you?", it's "Hey Greg, How's the tank?". I have a teacher friend that wants to bring her class over to talk about them for science class.


Active Member
Well I started out just getting a good deal on a couple 55g freshwater tanks and decided to experiment and try salt with one of them. Now I do not have any freshwater but two saltwater tanks and another one waiting and another one coming. When I started I was only going to spend maybe a couple hundred to give it a try and if it did not work then I would go back to freshwater but even after a TON of mistakes and problems I am still going and now both my tanks are doing great. People I work with cant figure out what is so great about fish. Guess you either get it or you dont, no in between. Shaun


Active Member
All hobbies are pricey if your into it. its all relavent. Some people have no interests I feel bad for them. Other hobs expensive too:
fast cars
Whatever floats your boat


Active Member
all the guys at work think my tank is interesting. When I really try to explain how it works, they don't get it, but they think it looks cool. My wife likes it too, but she's all too aware of how much time I spend doing "fish" stuff (including this web site.) She calls you guys my "OFFs" Online Fish Freinds. I just joined a local reef club, and am going to a meeting this weekend. The wife said, "I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be hanging around all those enablers." Prow, I've been excited about snails too. I get excited about new test kits!


Awe Prow, And I thought the $20.00 for turbos and 6@2.99 on nassarius that got eatten as soon as they rippled the water was bad!! Now I won't complain.

I might have a problem when "I hide the receipts or remove all tags and black markings from all merchandise coming through the door of the house!" :clink:


Active Member
:eek:lsmile: :eek:lsmile: :eek:lsmile:
I've deliberately wiped the price written with marker on the coral bags plenty of times. "How much did you spen on that?" "Not too much, it was a really good deal."



Funny you should bring this up. I went to the LFS yesterday and was thinking how funny it was I payed $50 for a 5 gallon bucket of SALT. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


:eek:lsmile: :eek:lsmile: :eek:lsmile:
I've deliberately wiped the price written with marker on the coral bags plenty of times. "How much did you spen on that?" "Not too much, it was a really good deal."


See Bill I knew it was ok to destroy evidence!! Want to go fish shopping with me? we shouldnt spend much I always get great deals!! sometimes 2 for 1 LOLOL And If anyone even thinks of ratting us out, We're gonna deny it all!! Right Bill?!?!