Hitchhiking anemone (not aiptasia)


Reef Sanctuary's Mr. Wizard
Ah, I see you have stooped to name calling, now that gets you points.

Please go back and read my first reply, then read your reply to me and your replies to others. Those are pretty bold statements to make. You dug your own hole. I did not dig it for you, I just replied. "Flamed", looks like you started that.

If you are no expert, as claimed, then don't be giving me or others lessons on what it is or isn't as if you are. Your guess is not educated at all. If an expert can't tell what makes you think you can ?

That is correct an opinon and it is my right to debated that opinon and my right to defend my opinion......correct. An opinion does not make one correct. Lots of so called opinons are BS, if you know the facts.


Well-Known Member


Reef Painter
Boomer = The Man.

His knowledge is worth its weight in gold so I would default to experience.
And if you frequent other boards, then you already know Boomer...


I have some better pictures. Unfortunately, I am having internet problems at home. Hopefully I will have some pics posted in the next couple of days.


Reef Sanctuary's Mr. Wizard
Much better pics although still blurry. You still can't see any real characteristic for a 100 % + ID. Off hand it looks more like a BTA than anything and more than likely is. A good view or you looking at the column will tell you more, as the column is very smooth on BTA's, unlike other anemones of this similarity. BTA's have tentacles of many shapes. They may be bulbous or not. The bulbs themselves even have different shapes. Usually those with more developed bulbs are due to anemone fish association. BTA's also often spit due to stress, so time may tell. Other anemones rarely split, par a ritteri or two and BTA's only seen to do it in tanks, as it is not seen in the ocean.


Well-Known Member
If I HAD to make an identification from only those pics, I'd say BTA...

That one is a split off of this one:


Thanks for the ID help everyone.

Of course, since I plan on keeping it, it probably needs a nice dedicated setup to keep it from conflicit with my corals (anything to justify a new aquarium).;)


New Member
I jumped to the end of the posts, so I don't know what the general consensus :crowd: is, but I bet 5 to 1 its a bta :cool: