hello all


well i have been "reefing" for about 6 months now feeding off of the information all the knowledge i can find before purchasing anything and trying to learn from others mistakes, I have only experienced two losses thus far in my stock, a bangaii cardinal (which ate fine and did it's thing till if just was found dead one day) and a mushroom coral (that one i am thanking a crab for, a crab that is no longer in my main tank) so here we go specs and stock

Tank specs:
nano 13 gallon (not much left to tell on that one since the 75 gallon came around)

75 gallon
6 x 54 watt bulbs
2 trickle filters (they turn all water in my tank 8 times an hour)
coral life protein skimmer (i have it hob and i know all the horror stories with this one but it actually does a fantastic job and i broke it a little different then what the instructions state)
2 alternating korelia 3 power heads, 2 korelia nano
digital aquatics reef keeper elite (I am often not home to keep my lights on for good regular time periods and this thing is amazing)
100 lbs of live rock
100 lbs of live sand

orange spot goby
paired clown fish
yellowtail damsel
kole's tang
cleaner shrimp (which i have witnessed cleaning fish)
3 x peppermint shrimp
5 x black sea urchins (came on live rock, still babies, will trade them in for credit once they get a little bigger, didn't know they were in there till last week)
emerald crab
20 x reef hermit crab
?? x nassarius snails
4 x astrea snails
3 x turbo snails
*i don't starve my cleanup crew at all and trust me i have plenty they do a great job in there
2 x serpent starfish (also baby hitchhikers)
and a few other non aggressive snails that clean glass that came as hitchhikers

-branching hammer coral? (the fs guy said it was a cross between a frogspawn and a hammer, now knew then how silly that sounds but i honestly can't quite place it, no sweepers though it has stung me before, and it has the attributes of both corals)
-open brain (came on the LR that i ordered online went through the cycling process did not see light for a month and a half was bleached completely white when i got it and now it is loving my tank)
-candy coral
-green montipora
-orange montipora
-hairy mushroom
-spotted mushroom
-galaxea (it's in recovery right now)
-button polyp
-green starburst polyp (isolated to it's own island)
-some other blue soft coral (i can never remember the name of it and can't find it online)

water gets changed weekly parameters stay looking great and aside from a few things here and there there is very little i have to do to maintain


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