Happy Birthday VINA!

Thank you Gina!I have'nt been around any more like I used to.But every so often I look to see what up.
I torn down my tank a month ago 'cause we're moving down south(yeap Florida)and I did'nt want to risk the loss of my corals and fishes due to shipping and so many hurricanes.
They all went to a single buyer's tank(a huge tank)and been that he's one of my friend I get visitation rights.
Thanks again for the greetings Gina.And I promise you guys I be back soon!

Vina Del Mar
That's right Witful by all means I'm getting a generator.
My next reef tank will be much bigger than 90 gls somewhere in the 300 gls.
Thanks for the greetings.

Vina Del Marl


Wannabe Guru
That most of been heartbreaking to tear that thing of beauty down !
That was definitely one of the best looking tanks I've ever seen :thumbup:
good luck on the move and say hi to playabrisa for me :)
Yes Robert it's very hard to see an empty wall where I used to sat for hours and be so proud of my little piece of ocean,but for some reason I'm happy that my corals now have more room for growth.
I'm missing the daily trips to check my sump,reactors and the rest of my gadgets.Yes it's very tough lately without my tank.
Thanks for the greetings guys!

Vina Del Mar