Got me a bluespotted jawfish

Went to the lfs today. Just to drop off water and get a test see if his matches mine. They had a bsjf so I had to buy him. My kid started working there about three weeks ago so I don't know if that helps but the guy charged me $60 bucks. There was another guy in there and he was pissed because the same lfs charged him $120 for the same batch of fish. Pics will follow. I asked and the lfs guy said the lawnmower blenny and the watchman gobie would have no issue with the new addition. I tried to read up on this for several weeks and tits kinda unclear. As long as the bsjf doesn't try and take over the hole the watchman has it should all be good? Let me know your thoughts... Thanks


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your new baby.
Rule #1 Close all openings to the tank. Not just with eggcrate, but netting or something with the eggcrate. You would not believe the small areas they can jump out of.
Rule #2 Have deep sand and be be prepared fot it to end up everywhere.
Rule #3 Provide lots of rubble of various sizes including pices as big as the fish.
Rule #4 Post pic an join the Blue spot club.


Smile Maker
Welcome to the Club Bigrockindaddy! I don't think you will have any compatibility issues with that mix of species. I have a Yellow watchman with my BSJF and have had no problems.


Occasionally, they will swap burrows. In fact it's my BS that builds burrows and the goby moves in when my BS moves out.

Like Lynn said, provide lots of rubble so that they can properly construct a burrow. Until they do, they have the potential of jumping out of the tank.

Take a look at the Front page of for pertinent links about this species.

You've made an excellent choice! Happy reefing!