Good place to get copeods?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i couldn't find anywhere else to post it. Im looking to get some chaeto algae and copepods. I just set up a DIY AC refugium. I would like to get the chaeto and add some pods. I was just wondering where some of you get them other then a your LFS. Any and all help would be great.
i was just looking at that site and the pods look good but they don't sell chaeto algae unless you get there pack. The smallest pack is for a 50 gallon. I'm have a 20 gallon and my refugium is only a AquaClear 70. I dont think i could fit that much in there.


I would check your LFS for cheato I know mine all have it in there systems and don't mind breaking off a bit for customers.
The only problem is there isn't a LFS near me. I would have to do about a 2 hour drive. That's why I normally get everything online.


Yeah check local for Chaeto (key-toe) because lots of us throw it out if LFS wont take it.


you could even check craigslist. i've seen it on there sometimes. if you have a local forum that is a great place to check to. if you buy pods makes sure they are not the cold water pods or they won't last in your tank.
I recently bought some cheato and some reefpods from reefcleaners... Happy to say my tank is now crawling with pods everywhere I look...

Not sure if they have any more of the reefpods in stock right now. You might want to send them a quick email...