Goby mess


Well-Known Member
I added a diamond goby to my tank this past Saturday. I knew it was going to make some mess in the tank, but holy cow!!! this fish has re arranged the sand in my tank! I have LARGE mounds in one area and hardly any in another. He found several pod colonies and removed all the sand form under the rocks where they reproduce. I am aggressively running carbon ATM due to so much sand disturbance. Will this fish settle down?


My buddy had the same problem and he actually went out and bought a cheap filter to try to settle everything down (dirtwise) and he used his turkey baster everyday to get the dirt off of the rocks. I think he is at week3 and the little gobie has finally slowed his castle making.


Well-Known Member
I got a diamond too, he has burrowed out under one section and periodically goes on an archeological dig somewhere else adn rearranges... he even moves some rock around with his efforts.

I think I just named him.... Indiana Jones.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. It would appear that I have an extremely active one! Seriously, he moved maybe 2-3 cups of sand from one area to another today alone. Everything is coated. My pagoda is not happy! Neither are my gorgs for that matter. I got a HOT mag tonight and started running the filter to remove as much dust in the column as possible. I've only had him for 4 days so maybe he's just exploring.


Well-Known Member
IME after awile he'll pick a favorite spot to build his cave and keeps improving just that one spot.