From 75 to 29

Due to my lack of funds, I am going to downsize my big 75G and start a nano. I've been keeping SW fish for little more than a year now, I realize that's not nearly enough experience but I'm still willing to learn.

Anyways, I know this is a build thread but I need to start off with an important question. I have a 29g I used to treat ick that one of my fish had, I used that "quick cure" stuff that stains everything blue. Is this tank safe to use or do I need to buy a new one?

Also, once I get this build going there shall be tons of pictures. :D


Google Warrior
I think that's a good move, you'll probably be much happier with the smaller tank for the time being.

The blue dye won't hurt, ok on with the pixs :D
XD I hope it won't kill everything.. all the fish are doing well and I hate to see it go downhill trying to make it better.

I'm probably picking up a stand and a sump today from a guy near me, pics after I clean my room >_>
Good idea we've all seen a teenages room before LOL :)

Heh. :barf:

Alright, before the build begins, a few things I would like opinions on (I have questions, plus I need to stall because I didn't get to pick up the sump/stand today :D)

1) I know I need to sell some of my fish, but would it be good to put 4 chromis, two clowns, and possibly a sand sifter in a 29g?

2) Lighting. I have a 4x 65W PC light that I can disassemble and put into a canopy. Should I do that or just look for a single MH light?

3) Fuge or scrubber? I have an opportunity to either put a fuge on the tank or put an ATS on the tank... which would work better? It's only going to have a 10g sump with a skimmer so yea, opinions?

Overall here's the plan:

29g tank that will get an overflow drilled (hopefully)
10g sump
ATS or fuge (Attached seperately)
euroreef RS-80
around 200W of PC lighting
closed loop circulation
tunze ATO

I'm excited to get this going! :D


Google Warrior
To many fish for a 29 may drop to of the chromes.

I'd just keep the PC your talking 9w per gallon roughly and while that means little I know with that kind of lighting you can keep a dersa clam.

I would go with the fuge :)

Above is just my opinion
Update: I will (possibly) be getting the stand and sump tomorrow. I got the room clean so at least something's done. :D

But as clean as it is.. it'd make a pointless picture.


Well-Known Member
My only thought on this is that you'll find the 29 gal tank almost as much work as the 75 gal tank. It will be somewhat less expensive to run, and set up, mostly because you only need about 1/2 the live rock.

Good luck!
Well, nevermind. Couldn't get the stand and sump (although it was FREE >_< long story.)

So yes, project postponed indefinitely.
