Friedimani Pseudochromis and Blue Assesor?


Will a friedimani go with an blue assesor? I would think since one is a pseduochromias and one is a basslet it would be okay. Also, the basslet spends most of his time at the top of the tank, friedimanis stay under the rocks and around the lower area, usually. Also, this would be a friedmani from typo's tank.


Wannabe Guru
I have had problems with Dotty's and will never add one to my tank, just real bullies, although the Friedimani isn't as aggressive as some of the others I wouldn't chance it IMO.


i would think it would be ok if there was adequate space for both to hold territories/get away from one another(maybe over 90 or so gallons w/ lots of nooks and crannies?) assume the pseudo would be going in last being that assesors lean on the milder more peaceful side.(to let the assesor establish itself first)


Well i added a yasha hasa to my tank, but i havent seen him since i added him tuesday. If he doesnt show up, i'kk add the (maybe a grounp of 3 :) )friedmanti


yashas are very very might not see him for a few weeks even.(guy i work with used to have an 18 gallon nano tank set up. he added a yasha and only saw it like 4 times over the course of a year or so. very secrative.)


Wannabe Guru
IMO/E no, since Pistol Shrimp are more active at night, at least mine was for a couple of years. I don't see that it would make a difference especially if they find a home towards the back of the tank.


Active Member
Lacie said:
does adding a pistol , one that is actually compatable with the yasha hasa, help?
My LFS has had good luck with using a man made burrow. They create a premaid burrow by either using PVC or diggin a burrow under a rock, then add the combo together. They usually make more than one burrow to improve their chances of having the combo choosing a viewable area as their home. Robert Fenner suggest this approach too.HTH