Fish are coming down with something.


My male clown came down with cloudiness/glassiness in both eyes about a week ago. My female clown came down with it in her left eye only, about 2 days ago. She also has a much brighter white dot on the eye as well. They both twitch but i cant tell if its mating twitching or parasite.

My potters angle is twitching slightly and hiding in shady spots in the tank. The angle has also lost some of its color and is looking very pale. No eye cloudiness on this fish.

The 3 fish are eating well still.

The tank glass appears to have small white pinhead organisms crawling around. They are too difficult to recognize but they do move around. they also appear to be in the water column.

Possible Causes:
Ive had my hands in the tank periodically over the past week or so re-aquascaping and adding about an inch to the sand bed. Ive been doing a couple water changes 3 or so per week while i was doing this.
I recently added a ATO system to the tank and have noticed that the water in the reservoir bucket is stagnant and i notice a slimy surface to the walls of the bucket. Not sure if this is a cause, but i put some carbon in there just in case?

? thats where YOU come in lol.
Ive been soaking their food in garlic hoping that will help them fight whatever it is off.
Hopefully there is an IN TANK treatment for whatever this is because it will be Extremely dificult to catch these fish. I however understand if i do have to take them out to treat whatever this is and will do my best to get them out, i dont have a qt tank set up though.

My tank and fish history:
The female clown and Angle are 1.5 years old and have never come down with anything since ive had them with exception to their first month in the tank with ich.
The male is a new addition 6 months old and hasnt showed any signs of anything since hes been in the tank.

Tank 34gal solana. 250wt de mh, current usa leds.
full reef, mostly soft corals, LPS, and an LTA.
Params are all in check. the only thing that might of spiked during the water changes was a high ph and possible 2 degree temp difference


Well-Known Member
Disturbing things that haven't been kept clean (regular maintenance) may cause a bacterial bloom. Put this together with less than good water quality and/or below good nutrition, and fish come down with a bacterial infection.

If you remove stressors (improve water quality, improve nutrition, skip garlic and start using vitamins, maintain tank cleanliness, etc.) and they will likely cure themselves.

Perform a very large water change (over 80%). Since it will be large, follow these guidelines for the water change:

Check water quality for at least the following by test kit:
and by other means, water status -- pH, temp, and specific gravity

Begin to 'overkill' on the maintenance. Make sure your source water is pure, clean out all detritus in system, check that your skimmer is properly sized (see link below), clean skimmer daily, clean out mechanical filters every other day, change chemical filters now if you haven't done so in the last two weeks, and then, in a couple of days do another large water change.

Follow all the above and the fish should come around. If not, they need to be moved to a hospital tank and treated with an antibiotic. So, you might want to get the quarantine tank ready while you're doing the above.

Water quality has many angles and features to it beyond what you measure. Please read this and take its advice:
