Filter pads in washing machine?


Well-Known Member
I use 100 micron felt filter pads in my sump. I buy the large sheet and cut to fit. Over the past year I've accumulated a lot of dirty pads.

I just keep buying new pads, but I'd like to re-use the dirty ones if possible.

I've heard that they can be washed in a washing machine.

Has anyone had experience washing their pads?

Do you use detergent like Tide... etc.?

Do you add bleach?



Well-Known Member
I wash my 100 micron filter socks in the washer. no detergent.
Double rinse. I know some people do use bleach. I have not done so yet as just washing in the maching gets them clean


Well-Known Member
I wash my filter socks. I just use regular old bleach. I run it with bleach, the one cycle with just water. This gets all the bleach out. Dirt socks come out nice and white.