Emergency Help Pls !!!!


I just got home and seen this on my clown, hes been in the tank a week, since i have gotten home, i have removed him back to the QT tank.

I dont have many meds, actually I only have Myacin, will this cure this disease? He is the only fish in the tank to have it. please any suggestions?


thats the best i could get wit, everytime i went to him with the cam he hid. but thats how he looks, will the myacin help? or even cure it?

Should i pull all my other fish out?


Well-Known Member
is it a anti-biotic?,,,my brain isnt on straight right now..long day and a few shots...lol



Myacin is an effective, colorless aid in Freshwater & Marine aquariums for the treatment and prevention of: Molly and Tetra disease, fraying fins and body deterioration, popeye, reddened areas or gills, dropsy, and furunculosis. Myacin used as directed is safe for all fish.


Well-Known Member
yeah that will work,,,what other fish are in the tank? any one chasing him?...could also be a reaction to the anamone and his slime coat is thickening....does it look like the slime coat is thinner,,,peeling away from the center or like a coat has been added?


Well-Known Member
Brook. Look kind of like this?:

If so, dammed tough to get rid of...let us know, there are a couple of things to try...Have a quarantine/hospital tank?


Well-Known Member
I'd suspect it to be brooklynellosis, and would recommend treating it that way...
How long have you had the fish? Was it tank raised or wild caught? Did you quarantine it? If it's not a new fish, have you added any new fish or corals in the past 2 weeks?

Here's some good information on Brook. Follow the linkd to the FAQ's as well. I'll find some more info, but that would be my first guess.



have had the fish @ 2 weeks. qt a slight qt for a week. no new fish or corals, added him and the lawnmower same time


Well-Known Member
2 weeks is a waste of your time...Quarantine needs to be a minimum of 4 weeks, and preferrably 6 weeks to allow the various parasites to go through all the various life cycles and stages...
I'm sticking with brook...highly deadly, and kills fast too..While it's known as the clownfish disease, it affects a lot of other fish too...kills them just as quick. About the only cure for the disease seems to be formalin, and if you're in California, you're out of luck, as it's illegal here...
Read the information I linked to...that's the best information I know of to send you to...
You can go to the clownfish and anemone forum at RC and post your pics there as well, but I suspect you'll get the same diagnosis.


after reading the article, i dont have any formailin. only meds i have on hand are Myacin and Mardel. Will either of these suit as a temporary solution?