Droopy Leather Coral

Reef Wall

I have purchased my first soft coral. Well its really my second, I had a pulsing xenia on a piece of live rock that I bought. The one in question is a leather coral. I placed it in my tank yesterday. It has been droopy ever since. It had its nets out last night so I thought he might perk up today after a little time in the tank. Its been 24 hours now and still droopy. What can I do? Is this normal? I don't want him to die because my yellow clown goby has already taken to him.

40 gal'
40Lb LR
2" LS
1 pulsing xenia
1 leather
1 fire fish
3 hermits
3 nasarius snails
1 large turbo
1 green chromis
1 50/50 T8
1 Actinic T8
maxijet 1200
Eclipse hood filter w carbon and bio wheel



They pout often and usually for no apparent reason. After a "transplant" like this it's expected it will pout for a few days and slowly start to perk up.

Reef Wall

Is there anything I might need to know about placement in the tank and future care of the leather coral.

I have read that it puts off toxins that have to be eliminated. The thread said you can see it and to use a turkey baster to suck it out of the tank.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Leathers will pout regularly. Even when yours looks better, it WILL do the same thing again so don't freak out. I used to at first also. But now I know it's just doin' it's thang.

As far as placement goes, they like high light and good flow. I have mine at the tippy top of the tank and it's loving it. Pay no attention to my thread about the hole in mine! :scram:

Here's a pic from yesterday you can see the placement...(camera phone, bad pic)
