Couple of Questions


I have a couple of general questions.

1) I have a yellow polyp colony that is fairly close to my pulsating xenias (within about 1"). This is the way I bought the rock. My water flow causes the polyps to touch the xenia when the polyps are fully extended. Will the polyps sting my xenia?

2) I have a extra bottle of Kent liquid calcium. Will this be potent enought to inject into several aptasia punks to kill them?

3) I have some purple mushroom coral that is growing at the base of my leather finger coral. What is the best way to transplant these shrooms to another side of the tank?

Last but not least...Bubbles the yellow tang has developed the heck do i catch this crazy strong swimmer without destroying my tank and coral? I can't seem to net him. I attempted to lure him to some seaweed with the lights out. Then I turned every light on and tried to shock him. Yeah...didn't work. He is still in the tank, and I decided to turn the UV on in an attempt to protect the other fish to some degree. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
1) If the polyps are bothering the xenia - the xenia WILL move but I dont think there will be a problem

2) I dont know but I have never heard of anyone using liquid calium to kill the pest.

3) Chip away the rock where the shrooms are attached.
If you try to cur the shrooms at the base close to the rock the "foot" that is left will grow into a new shroom. Or you could just let them be. There is no problem with them being close. If the mushroom is not getting enough light it will move.

4) I have no experience here but you could try to catch him late at night when he is in sleep mode. Invest in fish trap.


Thanks Jeff...I figured the xenia would moved if there was a problem, but being new to keeping coral, it is a little bothersome to me...probably more so than the polyps are to the xenia!

The clacium injection was learned from the internet....I have actually just waited for some to float to the glass then get them out with a microfiber cloth. I don't have an infestation, I just have a few on some LR that I want to get out before it turns into an infestation.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of people using kalk paste but not the liquid calcium.
I have had some success with peppermint shrimp
but Joe's Juice has been the most effective for me.
hi right joes juice fom ebay! inject with these its works a treat i use it all the time!!
ich! my baby regal tang had it and its now gone four weeks! no other fish caught it! my trick? maybe luck! but here goes garlic clove in tank, raise temp in tank that kills parasite when it falls off tang, garlic flakes feed to all fish! if you cant get these crush garlic and soak your food in this and grate some ginger in too! feed this for few days! honest it worked for me ginger and garlic great for immune system and the flavour encourages fish to eat!