Coral Compatibility Article Link


Here's the Link

I thought this was an interesting article (trying to figure out if removing my softies will benefit my SPS). I thought the below quote was particularly interesting for you Clam folks.

The key is to closely watch the inhabitants in an aquarium and their reactions to the introduction of a new specimen. As an example, I offer you a story related to me by John Burleson. It seems that shortly after adding a colony of Xenia to his 150-gallon display tank, he found that his prefilter began clogging at a greater rate than normal. After many weeks of carefully removing selected pieces of coral and then returning them to the tank, he discovered that if he removed either the new Xenia colony or his Tridacna derasa clam, the clogging stopped. Apparently, the clam would produce huge amounts of mucus in response to the presence of the Xenia in the aquarium, which would clog the prefilter material. The Xenia must have been producing a chemical that the clam found objectionable.