Collection cup overflow?


Active Member
For some reason I am having a problem with my CSS 65 overflowing the collection cup in minutes, have never had a problem with it until now. Any ideas on what to do to fix this??


Well-Known Member
Are you adding any additives or feeding when it happens? Certain additives and foods can cause your skimmer to go nuts and overflow the collection cup.


Active Member
No nothing added, not feeding was working fine until the last time I took the cup off to clean it, now it just keeps overflowing (bubbles like crazy) in minutes cup is full.


Well-Known Member
If it happened right after you cleaned it then you might just need to play with the adjustment valve.

As gunk builds up in the collection cup, skimmate production tends to slow down. If you make constant adjustments to the skimmer to keep production up, then when you clean the cup you will get overflow until you make adjustments to your flow control valve.


Well-Known Member
dragonladylea said:
Problem is I have the control valve as low as it will go and still having the overflow problem.

Is this the Venturi skimmer or needle wheel?


Well-Known Member
If it's the needle wheel skimmer my suggestion would be to take the air line and disconnect it from the air inlet silencer and and blow into it to make sure it is not plugged up. Also make sure the silencer is not plugged up or wet inside.

If you get good bubble formation in the main chamber then you slowly close the valve and watch the bubbles go up the cone chamber about 3/4". It should skim dry there... :thumbup:


Active Member
Yep its in-sump thank goodness, after the tank leak I had with the 35g dont think my floor would take another bath very well.

The silencer doesnt seem to be clogged and getting great bubble, right up and over with the valve turned completely off and completely on. Something else must be loose or disconnected or something but I'm darned if I can figure it out. Up until this last dump this thing was working perfectly, full cup of gunk every week.


Active Member
[QUOTEKensn Has the water level around the skimmer risen?? ][/QUOTE]

Kensn - No the sump design wont let the water level rise above the level it has always been.


Well-Known Member
There are two valves you need to check.

1. Water level adjustment valve (red dial on the riser tube)

2. Needle wheel adjusment valve (above the water pump)

3. Make sure water is flowing through the output tubing. Bubble production diffuser may be clogged, blocking water flow.

4. Output elbow is pushed against white filter pad in bubble-production diffuser. Allow 1" of space between bottom of output elbow and filter pad (white).

If that doesn't work... then just grab it and :guns:


Active Member
It was the Needle Wheel valve, I didnt know that was even there, my hubby put the thing together. Its working fine now. Thank you all for your help. :happywalk