Clowns hate everything! :(


New Member
Well I have a "mated" pair of clowns .. atleast I think so. I got an emerald crab last weekend and now this weekend I find him turned upside down and white and the fish are just furious at him, they are swimming around him very fast picking at him and dragging him. They did nip at him before, but I never thought it was this bad. My brittlestar is fine because he hides out all day. But what do you guys think?

My dad ius kind of dissapointed because he liked the crab, what can we get that will stand up to them, not kill them, but live peacefully together. I want it to be something that actually moves around and all too.


Active Member
What kind of clownfish are they? Clowns can become very dominiate in there territory! .. What you can try doing is when you add in anything like that that they pick on, Re aquascape the rock, Exspecially where they hang out.. Confuse them make them think they are the ones that do not belong there.


New Member
2 clarkiis .. i got a peppermint shrimp today hes owning them pretty good haha. He is toof ast for them and he shoots sand at them when they mess with him, so i think i found a good guest.


i got amted pair of some kinda clown and they host in a large rose bulb anenome and they are somewhat territorial but not to bad. Are u sure the crab didnt molt his shell? kinda wonder what a small fish could do to a crab?


Over the coarse of the three years i've actually read up on our hobby and my experiance, i've found out that it's better to add inverts first into the aquarium followed by the least aggressive fish ending with the most aggressive fish.But what I say and do is a contradiction.I always find myself learning things the hard way and re-arranging alot of LR.