Cloudy water/Deflating Anemones


Last night I looked at my tank (RSM130D) and noticed that the water was extremely cloudy. I saw that both of my Anemones had deflated. I did a water change and added carbon. Both of the Anemones look fine today. My question is this: Did the water get cloudy because of the Anemones deflating and expelling all their water? When Anemones deflate do they cause the tank to become cloudy? Or did something go wrong first causing cloudy water which would have caused the Anemones to deflate?

Since I know you will ask, here are the particulars for my tank: The tank has been set up for 2 years. The lighting is the standard for a RSM - T5's (the lights are only 3 months old). The Anemones have been in the tank for over one year - I started with one Anemone which split about 8 months ago. Today's testing results: Salinity 1.025, temp 80.1, Nh4 <.025, NO2 zero, N)3 zero, Alkalinity 8.0, Cal 400, PH 8.0, Mag 1245.

I realize that the Magnesium is low and I will be gradually increasing it throughout the day.

I have not added anything new to the tank recently and I have not lost anything in the tank for a long time. All fish and corals are doing fine. I have had some brown dusty looking algae on my sand lately and haven't been able to get rid of it. I feed my fish very sparingly - I am not overfeeding my tank.


I have never had the water go cloudy because of an anemone deflating.

I am strongly inclined to believe the deflation was a result of the cloudy water, not the other way around


Thank You. I was afraid of that actually. But the Anemones did exude a milky substance so I thought it might have made the water cloudy. But, truthfully, the fact that they both deflated at the same time, also leads me back to thinking that the cloudy water caused their deflation.


Well-Known Member
kinda sounds like u had a bacterial bloom in ur tank, might be a long shot but do u have any caulerpa that could have gone sexual?


Thanks Grendel, and I agree with you. I think I was the cause of the problem because the day before this happened I had stirred up quite a lot of the sand. I had also used the turkey baster to blow off the live rock and I think I caused the bloom. Everything is looking great now.