Chromis tail probems


New Member
I started out with 6 Chromis. They get a bruise like area just ahead of their tail overnight. I am wondering if it is my peppermint shrimp, emerald crabs, or some kind of tail rotting disease. The fish are active, eating well and show no signs of problems until the area gets worse. I had them shipped from Florida last week and they were very cold when they got here (no heat packs, 32 degrees) and am wondering if this could be some form of stress related problem? They're beautiful and I really hate to lose any more of them.
I hope the photo is visable, I've never uploaded a photo before.

chromi054.jpg picture by comboverguy - Photobucket


Well-Known Member
This post looks familiar. Did you post in another forum? Short answer is that these fishes are poorly handled in the system. They are plentiful and easy to catch and cheap. They are not cared for much through the system.

If I want 10 in a school, I would purchase at least 16 and hope for the best. A year later I would have about 10.

However, if this is a disease then they should be quarantined from any other fish and also so that you can use medications that could harm the invertebrates.

I will need to see a photo of what that 'spot' looks like. So next one you see, be sure to get some clear close up photos for me and post them here.


How long has your tank been set up? Do you have any other fish, if so what kind...and how are they acting?
There is a lot of stress involved for the fish until they're fully acclimated to your tank which could have made the fish weaker and more prone to disease. As far as which disease I can't say for sure...and I can't see the picture...send it to me via my

I have read that some people believe that is the fish were poorly handled while shipped, that can do it...also you NEVER want to ship fish in if it is under 40 or above 80.

Tips for On Line or Mail Order Saltwater Livestock - Important Shipping and Packing Considerations



New Member
Here is a picture of him. Notice the area just ahead of his tail. It starts as a bruised looking area and then gets like this, then they have trouble swimming and die. All within a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Have any of the other fish done this since you posted? If you see this happen again then I would treat the fish. In the meantime, even if they look fine, I would setup a quarantine tank and have it ready.

I would setup a QT as given here: and treat the remaining fish with two very effective antibiotics (used at the same time). They are both found in Furan-2.

The reason for the above is I suspect a bacterial infection of one of the worst kinds. Ideally the fish would be tested to determine what kind of bacteria is involved so that the best antibiotic can be chosen.

Hopefully, this doesn't show up again. But I would still have the QT ready and the antibiotic on hand.



New Member
As of today I have only one chromi left and he looks ok--yet. I've put him in a quarantine tank and treated it with antibiotics I hope it doesn't move to my cardinals and clowns. I'm probably going just going to move them in there with him and treat them also. Hopefully I can eradicate the disease. Thank you so much.