Chromis MIA


I cleaned my tank day before yesterday, everything and everyone were fine except for the usual "leave us alone" attitudes. Yesterday afternoon, my husband noticed that my lone Chromis (survivor of an insane dwarf angel attack on his buddies) was missing. We looked everywhere for this fish and couldn't find it. Now we are wondering if the RBTA got it. I can't help but think that the Nem resembles the cat that ate the canary. Is this possible?


Well-Known Member
Like Clowns, Chromis are part of the Damsel family. As a result, they are not as susceptable to an anemone's sting as other fish may be. Unless the fish perished and floated into it, I would suspect that it jumped out of the tank or drifted behind the rockwork where the clean up crew did their job.


Thanks, it didn't jump out (no body around the tank). I guess there are some crimes even marine CSI can't solve.
If you have an overflow, check there. My chromis' seem to like hanging out in the "U" tube... I guess they survived by eating the food that flows over the box?

Crazy little guys.


Sometimes they hide, I had a yellow watchman make the trip down to my fuge and it was two weeks before I found him. Today my 3.5" yellow eye Kole tang was no where to be found. I scoured the tank looking in all the caves and crevices and couldn't find him. Even moved rocks looking for him.

I checked behind the tank, the sump and fuge even though I didn't think he would survive a trip through the plumbing. Finally I shut down the pump and pulled the pvc apart. While I was doing that he popped out of the rocks in the tank. I have no idea where he was hiding. He's fine I guess he just wanted some alone time.


I'm going to do some rock moving today. Maybe it will turn up. It was a big Chromis and I'm worried that a rotten Chromis that size would pollute such a small system. I've looked everywhere else, including the plumbing (there is very little in my tank). If I can't find it I will have to assume that I have either fat and happy hermits or a fat and happy nem.


I'd agree about them jumping out of tanks. I have three in my tank, and I never saw them as a jumper. However one night while my girlfriend and I were having dinner in front of the TV, I hear a thud on the floor and look over, sure enough one of my cromis had jumped out and cleared a good 12' feet away from the tank. He was perfectly fine, but with a open top canopy and a light that takes up most of that opening I was shocked he made it so far though such a small gap... I also had a yellow wrase, which are known for jumping, jump over my overflow wall. Luckily I found him a day later ok because I keep such a high level in the overflow box, and have a guard on the drain pipe.


Well I will say fish and invertebrates are opportunist eaters, and would consume a dead fish in the tank. Also don't loose all hope of the Chomis not showing up again. The same Yellow Wrase that jumped over my overflow box, also disappeared on me for about a week, and I thought for sure I lost him. He emerged a week later much thinner in size, turns out my Maroon Clowns were bully him and he was hiding under the crushed coral all that time. So your Chomis my just be in hiding for whatever reason.