Chromis getting sick


New Member
I just got 6 chromis for my 75 gallon tank. One died last night and became shrimp food and now another is swimming head up tail down. Is this an indication of something specific? The water he came in was really close to the water in my aquarium except he was a little cold. I took about 5 hours to acclimate him by the drip system and they both looked fine when first released in the tank. My water is 79.2 degrees, 1.022 salinity, 0 ammonia,Ph 8.2, 0 Nitrates and Nitrates. I also have 3 Cardinals and 2 Clowns along with various small hermits and 4 larger emerald crabs. All the other fish look fine. Any help is appreciated.
How long did the store have them before you got them?
Are they eating?
Are any of your fish picking on them?

I started out with 5, and out of nowhere one just died...and then I noticed some of my fish were picking on them. I got rid of the bullies, and now I have 3 and they seem to be doing just fine. If your water is good, it could be one fish picking on them and or stress.


New Member
No, I haven't seen anyone picking on them. I bought them online so I don't know how long they had had them. I live in Nebraska and the seller is in Florida so they were sent overnight Fed Ex well insulated but no heat packs. They were a little cold when I got them. I'm just wondering if that stressed them too much. I had heard that chromis are a little delicate anyway and have a high mortality rate because of the way they catch them.
I would guess stress then. And in that case there is very little you can do for them. If you have any stress coat, I would add some. It could help, couldn't hurt. And you can get that from anywhere.
Good luck, sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
... I live in Nebraska and the seller is in Florida so they were sent overnight Fed Ex well insulated but no heat packs. ...

That is most likely your problem. What may seem a little cold to you is likely way too cold for the fish. If you can't get anything locally, either wait till warmer weather, or require that they be shipped overnight, with heat packs.

You may get lucky and the remaining fish may be ok. You just never know.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, the system treats these fish poorly. They are relatively plentiful and inexpensive. More than likely those that die the first few months were just unable to acclimate.

Regarding acclimation to your system though, a drip system for fish is too slow and not very reliable. You might have less to be concerned with about your side of the acclimation process, if you follow these guidelines:
