Catching small crabs


New Member
HI guys,
It is me again; I am reading that most crabs are not coral or LR safe. How can I catch them? Can I use the snail trap that is commonly used in fresh water? Is it that important to get rid of them?


Well-Known Member
It depends on what kind of crab it is. Small emeralds and many porcelain crabs are OK. If you want to get rid of them, most can't climb on glass so tip a glass cup against the rockwork, put a meaty morsal as bait in it and wait. The crab climbs into the glass via the rock for a free snack and can't get back out. Viola! Just pluck him out.


Well-Known Member
Im not even back for 24 hours and the wheels are spinning... Im gonna behave... for now :brothawolf: Sasquatch help me out...