Carpet Anemone


New Member
So I've had my tank running about 9-10 months, due to financial issues it was just a tank of live sand and rocks for much of this time, however it meant that i had well matured setup, I finally got my first fish (pair of common clowns) they were swimming around happily and feeding well, two days later ones gone!!!! Had a chat with LFS and we agreed it was prob the reef lobster, so I fed him a bit more and more meaty stuff to distract him as I introduced a replacement clown, two days later I'm down to one clown again!!!!! Decided it was time for the lobster to go, so took my whole reef apart to catch the b*****d and took him to LFS for rehoming, whilst there I picked up another replacement clown, 5 days later and I've only got 1 clown again!!!!!!!! There is very little in my tank so a short list of suspects, I have a true emerald crab, a mithrax crab, a hermit crab, 5 nitrous snails, a few soft corals and a carpet anemone, all of which came with my live rock from a 10 year old system. My LFS assured me that the nem wouldn't touch clowns but could well eat other fish if they were small enough, is this accurate? I can't see that anything else would be killing my fish.


I don't think your reef lobster would be interested in a healthy fish sorry. They get a bad name from being seen eating a sick or near death fish. My money would be on your carpet nem. They can and often do eat fish including clowns (even after hosting them for ages too). Feed up your nem with prawn flesh to reduce its appertite and see if that helps. Also make sure your clowns are natural hosts to the carpet nem you have. I'm assuming you have a haddoni carpet? If its a gigantea carpet then definitely the above applies.

tank stalker

Active Member
The carpet anemone will eat you clowns if not fed regular,and sometimes even if they are they will still kill you fish even your clowns :cry1: