BIg problem

ok so i just got my sw tank up and i added the water and i bought the red sea salt and add what it told me to add and when i went to measure it it said i had like 6 gravity somethin and its suppesed to be at 1 wht should i do?? and how much salt do you add per 5 gallons. thanks


Well-Known Member
What are you measuring with? The water should be at 1.025 specific gravity, or +-35 part per thousand. Most salts use about 1/2 cup per gallon, then you can noodle it from there.


Active Member
Yes dilute it...

In the future add a little salt test salinity, add a little more test salinity...etc...

Until you get the right readings... You'll get the hang on it soon.

Just a silly question... but you didn't add any life to this water did you??


What do you plan on doing with your tank? reef? fish only?

I'm curious to know what kind of equipment you have, what size tank, etc...

Let us help you get educated before making any mistakes so you'll be all set when its time to add fish and or corals...

Have a great night
haha im so dumb i forgot to take off the little blue things that protct the hydrometer and apperently they float pretty well( but are not much help for measuring density. haha but im had the right saltinity and i have no fish/reef just sand just in case that would happen. i have 30g tank bak pak reef ready wet dry filter and a coral life light 10000k watt. tahnks for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
do you have live rock in there yet?

if not, you should put some in there and add nothing else for as many weeks as you can :)