best fish remove green algae


George you may not like the answer but here goes..

The "Best" solution is to address the problem of WHY you have "Waving Green Algae" and get rid of that instead of the symptoms.

Waving Green Algae sounds a lot like Green Hair Algae. Goolge that and compare it to what you have.

Regardless algae blooms are usually a sign of excess nutrients.
  1. What size is your tank?
  2. How long has it been set up?
  3. What stocking do you have in it?
  4. What type of lights?
  5. How often and much do you do water changes?
  6. What is your source water for your tank?
  7. What do you feed? How much and how often?


Active Member
I agree with Al. Adding another fish could make it worse. You should find the root of your problem.

In addition to #4 ... How old are your bulbs? A shift in the light spectrum can cause a lot of growth in hair algae, if thats what it is. To much light for too long can cause the same thing.