

Hello all,
It has been a while since I have been here. I have been reefing for close to 3 years now and I think I have finally reached balance.

Has anyone else experienced that?

What I mean is, the water changes, chemicals, temp, lighting, etc...seem to be perfect. It has been that way for a couple of months. I do water changes now just b/c I feel I should and not b/c there is a real problem.

I am sure that next week all will go to hell...:bouncer: ...but for now all is great.


Active Member
Glad to hear it and hope that everyone else strikes such a balance with their tanks, not only for the sake of our pets, but it is a great deal less frustrating on us as On average, after a tank's first year, if setup and stocked properly that is, such a balance should be the norm.



Well-Known Member
Congrats. Take lots of pictures! It is the periods of brilliance that keep us going after that next "high". :D