Aquatop 21 gallon seahorse tank


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a question water is in scape done the gravel originally came front old 30 gallon salt it was washed and placed and as you can see no live rock so: How would I start a cycle?
And due to the glass bottles and rocks
What kind of clean up crew do you recommend?

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More to the point, what are you using for biological filtration? The glass rocks and colored aquarium gravel can't be expected to provide anywhere near enough surface area for the biological filtration needed.

Since your not going for a traditional natural aquascape, I don't see an issue with plastic plants, especially since you want something for the seahorses to be able to hitch on to.


Just like the biocube it has a three chamber filter. water enters threw the first chamber and is cleaned by protein skimmer water than overflows to second chamber contains three seperate canisters bio balls removed and placed with ceramic rings for algae growth passes than to third chamber and reintroduced to tank via power head. I have considered removing the three canisters of ceramic rings and placing refugium rubble but if I am not mistaken the ceramic rings will become alive and do the same thing. Please correct me if I am wrong? And input in modifications are always welcome :) there is no activated carbon running on the system it is all ceramic rings but since they are in three seperate canisters I cOuld easily switch things around.

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Still cycling :( nitrite 5.0 nitrate 20 ammonia 4.0 feel like I am at a stand still :(

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It was a large krill I am thinking the cycle is not moving along well because of the biological filter and or my very not natural set up so do I take out the gravel place live sand or remove the ceramic rings in the back chamber and place mud and live rubble? Smh

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Cycle is moving along nice algae growth on glass rock and front of tank lol ammonia is down to 1.0 nitrate and nitrite still elevated and yes u can't kill damsels lol caught one out of my 75 and put it in my 21 because lfs won't take back and I needed them out of my tank and the thing has survived the whole dang cycle smh now if I could only get the other 3 :( bit they still avoid the bottle trick

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I am so mad and discouraged the power head shorted in the tank no water flow melted plastic and 300 dollar tank destroyed :( thinking of giving up on the seahorse tank and using that money for something else

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Ya it was the one that comes stock in the tank in the third chamber that blows water back in thought it was low water levels but it wasn't smh if I added more water it would over flow than thought maybe something was blocking water movement in back so I took everything out and nope nothing I don't know at this point

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Ya I give up on this one tearing down tomorrow the power head burned the protein skimmer cracked and now the fans have gone out. So I am throwing in the towel getting rid of this tank and doing some upgrade on my 75. DONT BUY THE AQUATOP21 gallon lol oh well lessened learned if I could please have a moderator close this thread thanks :)

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