Amphiscolops sp., a harmless acoel


Well-Known Member
Amphiscolops sp., a harmless acoel "Flatworm"


I have seen a couple of these in my tank, scooting across the glass. I have done searches on the web only to find one site that identifies the particular one I have questions about...but it only gives minimal info.

Basically that it is benign and best left alone.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of flatworm?


Contributing Member
I've known a few people that have these. Here is a shot from my tank early on (not a definitive ID that they are the same, though). These have since dwindled down. You can see the size comparison to the pod pictured to the left. They get around pretty well. From what I've read they are relatively harmless and just an added part of a tank's biodiversity.


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Well-Known Member
My Clowns find these critters a tasty snack. But they keep popping up. In reading, I found they reproduce like mad and unless they overpopulate the tank they are fine. I like to try to start understanding and learn what to watch for before I get to the "panic" stage.
Has anyone ever dealt with an over population of this benign worm?


Flatworms are fine unless they are red/orange or eat corals.

Those small ones usually feed on pods. I have never heard of them getting in large quantities.


these are harmless. but they can become a nuisance with their population. they basically reproduce like crazy and before you know it they are everywhere. I say siphon them out when you see them. I have also read that a sixline will gladly dine on these. jmo hth:D


New Member
I've been sucking up 5-10 of these a day off my glass for the past 2-3 weeks. They creep me out. I'm going to try Salifert Flatworm Exit. Not sure if it will work. I'll let you know.


nicknace be prepared for a large water change (or several of them) as if you have a lot of them and NUKE them all at once you could have some negative effects of your tank's water chemistry. Just be ready....