alligators and reef tanks


Google Warrior
just thought I'd share another hobbie of mine not so much a hobbie but pet this pond set up is in the corner of my kicthen it's a 100 gal. I've had the gator AKA sweetheart for 3yrs got her when she was about 6 inches and apoximately 2 months old now she is 3 feet counting tail just another critter in my little jungle I've started here



Google Warrior
my girl friend and I are getting a house soon and my only requests are that it has a finished basement and a garage in the basement I will build here a cement probaly 8ft by 12ft pond with in floor plumbing and an area big enough that sweet heart can live out the rest of her days in style the rest of here days being like 50 years long term commitment like a reef tank


Google Warrior
just for the record I'm not the kinda reptile keeper that runs out and buys a baby gator and tries to put it in a 10gal cause it's cool she has always had a pond and more space than required or needed cause that's the way it should be I did the researh have worked with some local vets just for educational purposes cause you can't just take a gotor to the normal vet found one that likes reptiles and is very helpful with text book knowledge and enjoys seeing my gator even though there has never been any reason except for a routine check up meaning stool samples getting checked for parasites things of that nature


Google Warrior
mice fresh cut fish crickets millworms chicken crawfish ect she is a eating machine and gets all kinds of foods to make sure all her nutrional needs are met


Didn't think that was the deal! I worked for a exotic vet for 14 years and we saw several people who had alligators for pets and all were kept in the proper environments! Working for an Exotic Vet, you see it all! I think my favorites were the baby wallabies and the Serval! Check out my photo gallery, you'll see pics of baby lions that were at the hospital last summer!


Google Warrior
yeah I try to stay away from reptile sites for some reason most reptile people are not to open to outher peoples opinions and will always try to force there opion down your throat plus having a gator even makes me more of a target just like retics annacondas outher large reptiles so I found it best to keep to myself and people who are more open minded I debated about posting this but so far good respones thanks


Well im just happy you did your research before purchasing her. She is beautifull. Good luck with her!


Google Warrior
I didn't know you could get a spoonbill that would be cool I'm not much into birds for myself but I do enjoy seeing outher peoples. Toucans are also a cool bird the way they move around and there actions are kinda comical not to mention that huge beek :turntable


I don't have much to add other than that sounds so cool. I'm glad sweetheart has a home with somebody who loves her for the unique beautiful creature she is!