aka: Mantis Shrimp


Well-Known Member
well, im in the process of setting up a temp smasher tank, still not sure if i will get the one at the LFS, but i will get one soon

i would like some tips, etc for setting one up, i have been doing some reading, but that isnt the same as asking ;)

it will have a sand substrate w/ some crushed coral, and some LR from the reef, mainly rubble size, as it is a 10g

i was wanting some pointers on the den, should i just put some PVC in there, or just let him/her make its own with the rubble

and if you can think of other pointers, im all ears ;)




Active Member
I'm going to save you a little time with this link. Stomatopod Care 101

Here is a small portion of that link I provided.

Originally written by Roguecorps Providing a Den
A PVC den is simple and can make your pet more secure, keep it well shaded, which is important to resist shell disease, and can be configured to help keep strikes off of the tank glass. A slightly larger tube than the stomatopods body is sufficient, but you may want to use one large enough so that it may turn around in its den. For a more natural appearance, black PVC, decorating it with rubble, and substrate lining glued with a thin layer of silicone are all ways to improve its appeal to your pet and you. Since they may try to build their den larger, the open ends of the tube shouldn’t be aimed perpendicular with the tank walls. An “L” shaped den placed in a corner is a good way to leave lots of real estate while protecting the tank.


Well-Known Member
thanks Curt, i forgot about that link, cant believe that you had a link ;) lol lol

Nikki, thanks, already had that link, i was just wandering what some of the people that have them do, as far as setting the tanks up

keep your fingers crossed for me, when i tried to call the LFS, the guy i deal with wasnt there, i hope he didnt kill it
i will find out today, as im going to pic up the acro in a few hrs



Active Member
It works very well for a mantis tank. If the evaporation gets high, the falling water makes a noise so it reminds you to top off often.


Well-Known Member
good to know;)

well, he hasnt caught/ killed it so he said i could buy it from him, if i gave him some ideas to get it out of the tank, he is going to sell it to me for $15, which i dont think is all that bad for a OS around 3-4 inches

happy me ;)



Well-Known Member
im so excited, even if it is a male, but it might not be, wont know for a few days then he will prob want me to get it out,lol

i cant remember where you got yours at Curt, i had it in my fav's but lost it all when the mother board went out, but i got a new puter out of it, lol



Actually our 4.5" OS is in a 15 gallon Jebo glass tank. It's very similar to a Via Aqua or Eclipse with overhead filtration. Eclipses are actually pretty good except for their wall thickness, that they run well without any retrofits. Jebos usually need the pumps replaced with a better model and I've heard Nano Cubes have surface skinning problems. I like Jebo and Via Aqua for price and that they have enough room to build in surges.

-R :)