Aiptasia/Bristleworm/Algae/Nitrate problem


Well-Known Member
The live rock that I got last weekend was so covered with aiptasia that it was impossible to see the extent of the bristleworm population and the lush growth of algae on the rock. It's/thery're everywhere!

This was what I discovered after my first application of Kalk paste. Since there are only 3 clownfish in the tank (the 65 gallon in my office) I decided to target feed the clowns and starve back the population of bristleworms. My skimmer is churning away like mad probably due to the excessively high nutrient content of the rock due to prolonged overfeeding. Nitrates are in the high 30s (haven't changed much) two days after a 40% water change.

I wanted to add, 3 peppermint shrimp, an algae blenny and possibly a six line wrasse (they say they will eat bristleworms), continue to target feed the clowns, keep watch on the nitrates, do twice weekly water changes. Hopefully this will hasten the demise of the worms and aiptasia as well as reduce nitrates.

I should also report ph 8.3. temp 78, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 30+. Haven't bothered with other params because I'd be wasting my time until this problem resolves.

Any suggestions or anything that I may be forgetting? It's been so long since I've had a problem in one of my tanks that I wanted to double check.


Brunt of all Jokes~
"Any suggestions or anything that I may be forgetting? It's been so long since I've had a problem in one of my tanks that I wanted to double check."

Too funny, I just went thru the same thing lol, this can't be happening to ME!!! all I found was the water changes made it worse, a week after I stopped the algae consumed the nutrients and started dying off, try changing 1 or 2 gallons a day instead of a big one, it seems to soften the blow?