AI Sol light cycle help

I just bought another tank. I know I think I am a reef addict.
The tank I bought has two AI sol lights I finally have everything up and running but this light cycle and ramp thing is confusing with these lights. I have fourteen timers and have set them all. It looks good and goes up and down for sun rise and sunset just wanted to know if anyone has come across light charts or may have their own light chart that work well for them.....
Suggestion or direction would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Not familiar with the AT sol. But went through the same thing with my maxspect razor. Your just gonna have to play and see what works for you and your live stock...


Well-Known Member
There is no hard fast answer or chart to your question. This is because every tank is different and has different lighting requirements depending upon the livestock and aquascape. For example, someone keeping soft corals might opt for a shorter, or less intense photo period, possibly to help control algae. Someone keeping SPS corals would want as much light as possible for as long a period as possible, as long as algae doesn't become an issue.

To get things going, I'd set the lighting to about an 8 to 10 hour photo period, and have to LEDs go to about 80% full brightness. Then over time adjust things up or down as needed.

BTW, if your interested AI does sell a SOL to Hydra Upgrade kit. You can see it here (offsite) -