Advice on chemical control of Ammonia in Quarintine Tank


New Member

I have four fish, two clowns a small yellow and blue tang, in a 38 litre quarantine tank while my main tank is running fishless for 8 weeks. Fish were treated with Cupramine for White Spot for 2 weeks with the Q tank now running straight NSW. Now 3 1/2 weeks in.
I have been doing daily 60% water changes but this is not sufficient to stop dangerous levels of ammonia building up. Yesterday I did a 60% change at 6pm with another 25% at 6am. 12 hours later ammonia testing at 2.0ppm.
Just finished a 90% water change. Fortunately because of all the water changes all I need to do is control the temperature of the new water.
There is minimal biological filtration, and for the number of fish and time Q tank will be in place there is little point in adding live rock etc.

Tank is a Aqua Vital AR380. Ceramic noodles, which were new so would not be doing their thing yet. Small bag of charcoal, and a layer of ammonia filter sponge, which if it is working cannot cope with the load

I sent my wife to the local marine shop for yet another 75 litres of water and surprising all they suggested was increasing frequency and amount of water changes. This is not practical, and I'm up to close to 100% per day as it is.
Any suggestions for chemical control of ammonia to supplement the water changes?

Any advice appreciated.



Might be cheaper to add more QT's to split up the fish. Sounds like alot of fish in one tank that just a quarantine. Don't know if I would use chemicals but some do.