A rose is a rose is a rose...


can the same be said for a refugium? I have a LFS owner that will make One for my RSM 130 cabinet for $200.
After talking with Jeff a life Reef I am now wondering if going the cheaper route is wise. My thoughts are that If my builder incorporates a compartment for carbon filtration, ample room for algae growth and an appropriate size compartment for a protien skimmer then it should be fine.
Any thoughts from those that have built there own or those that have used the LifeReef setup?
Thanks a million, Monica


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, a refugium should be used for growing macro algae and/or pods and/or contain a DSB. Any similar combination should be fine.

A refugium is something you pass water through at a comparatively slow rate, so whatever you have inside it can process the water. It is NOT a place to put chemical media such as carbon. It is also not a place to use a skimmer.

Chemical media and skimmers are best placed in the sump, which for best results should be should not contain the refugium. If your going to use a refugium, it's best to plum it using a T and valve from the main return pump.

As for LifeReef, I have purchased products from them. I have not purchased a sump or refugium from them. However, I do consider their work first rate, and well worth the extra money. I think anything they produce will be many time better than anything you are going to get built by the guy in your LFS.

Keep in mind that you want equipment for a reef system to last as long as possible, and that's it's almost always worth buying the absolute best quality. Long term it will be a bargain.