MACNA 2008.... in da books


The tank must like it when my face isn't plastered to the glass for half the day! I can see how that would stunt growth! :)


Well-Known Member
What a great time it was. I'll get to the pics in a few but we had an awesome time. Hanging out with everybody was awesome and there were some great displays and cool gizmos and gadgets. I think we spent our Christmas tank budget a bit early this year. It is going to take a while to get everything installed and running.
Plus I won one of the ORA corals. Not the Solana I wanted but cool none the less.
It was awesome seeing everybody.


Well-Known Member
And for UFC fans there were quite a few UFC fighters staying in the hotel as well for the fight Saturday night.

Tommy and I were going to go to UFC 88 the same weekend as MACNA but the air conditioner went out. Needless to say, I'm jealous of anyone who got to meet the UFC fighters. But we did get it on PPV and it was awesome.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Maybe next year.


Yeah we saw TONS of fighters and I got to see one of the "Ring Girls" up close *panting slightly*. Early Saturday morning they were right out in front of the hotel jogging and sparring right there on the street. The "Main guy" (can't remember his name but it's something like coultre at least we think it was him) was standing about 15 feet from Julie and I in his hoodie doing jumping jacks and sparring. Was WAY cool.


Well-Known Member
Al and Michael, you both took way better pictures than I did! Since y'all have done such a good job talking about vendors I'll talk about PEOPLE and that stuff. WATCH OUT! lol

I learned that Al is a little grumpy when he's first up in the morning, and Michael always has a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye!

Julie, get posting on this message board! You have to! You're one of us now... and no backing out!! Aren't you the lucky one... it was very nice meeting you!

Lynn, you are such a sweetheart, and didn't we have FUN figuring out that Seachem strontium test! :bugout: I sure wish we lived closer to one another! Frank, if you read this, I'm so proud of your salad eating skills. :snshne:

Greg and Gail, I wish I could've spent more time with you! If I'd known you would end up leaving early I'd have moved down to your end of the table at dinner on Thursday, that's for sure! I hope you feel better now, Gail, and I hope it wasn't all that MEAT at Fogo de Chao that made you sick. lol What a meal that was!

Thanks to Scott for our Fogo de Chao meal! Scott (Dentoid) is wonderful, just as on the boards, and I was glad he was with us at breakfast when Andrea called to tell me that something was wrong with my tank yesterday. Everything seems to have turned out okay, but it was good to have his expertise at the table when we were stepping her through what to do and things to check.

Jonathan, wish we could have spent more time with you guys... sorry you're not feeling well!

Like Michael said, the banquet at the Georgia aquarium was excellent! The beluga whales were my favorite, and I could see them from where I was sitting throughout the whole show. Food was Wolfgang Puck catering; salad, local shrimp with grits, fried chicken, pureed sweet potatoes (yum!), squash/zuchini/peppers, peach cobbler sort of dessert. Cash bars abounded, but I guess the Atl club would've gone broke had they had free BOOZE everywhere so I'll forgive them for that! lol

It was an excellent time, and I'm very glad I went. I will do my very best to be in Atlantic City next year. Have to meet Matt, and I have a whole year to gear up to meet Witty. lol

....and Birds. GOTTA meet BIRDS.


:LOL: Moi grumpy? I'm fine as long as no one TALKS to me till after 10am!

Barb it was a pleasure to meet you both. Hopefully we can all do it again! I think I'm still FULL from Fogo de Chao!!


Here are a couple more "Group" pics

Fogo de Chao *hmm hmmm YUMMY*

Rotating Bar at top of Westin *rough looking group*


Well-Known Member
Apparently Frank doesn't like taking people pics since he had the camera and didn't take any. Hope everybody else did. :)


Well-Known Member
From the left; Michael, with his twinkley eyes closed so as not to blind us, Julie, Al, Scott, Lynn, Frank, ME with my mouth open as usual, John


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I wonder where Boomer was for that pic. I just realized we didn't see him until much later that night.