Longnose Butterfly allowing the blood shrimp to clean it


Social Media Moderator
Here's a question from one of our FB posters:

Wondering if somebody can help. Just recently I purchased a yellow longnose butterfly that has proven to be a welcome addition to the reef. Just today I have noticed something new and was wondering if it is a sign of a parasite or something. It is allowing the blood shrimp to clean and pick at it's sides. Is this normal or should I be concerned?​

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
This is a little book; and obviously I can't write it from my phone. All the shrimps with white antennae are cleaner shrimps, fish instinctively don't harm them. So, it is a natural thing, especially since they are so close.

On the other hand, if the butterflyfish is seeking cleaning there is a problem. if they are really healthy they won't make advances on the shrimp.

Butterflyfish require pristine water quality for long term health. They are VERY timid and do not accept aggression without stress.g

They can get Marine ich and just overall won't grow and slowly will die if subjected to aggression.

So, it's a phone; any more questions?


Well-Known Member
Woops... (wrong thread)

Those shrimps won't clean anything in a closed environment like ours btw. There just Ornamental...

Mike Johnson

Well-Known Member
According to Scott W. Michael the Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius), "Actively cleans fish of parasites and necrotic tissue."