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  1. s00z3

    Upgrading tank from 29g to 55g

    As narrow as my 55 gal is, I can see how it would be difficult to stack rocks in. I originally bought it with the idea of making it into a cichlid tank, but for some reason or another, that never happened. I forget why. The 40b seems like a good upgrade from the 29. I originally set up a...
  2. s00z3

    Upgrading tank from 29g to 55g

    Thanks, lol! The more I've thought about it, the less I want to use the 55 gal for that reason. I do have a 40 gal breeder sitting in the garage that just needs a good scrubbing. I need a new lid for it as all I have is a mesh screen that came with it when I bought it (I think it was...
  3. s00z3

    Upgrading tank from 29g to 55g

    That's something I hadn't thought of, the size of the 55 gal tank. You do have a point, though, and if I'm going to do it, I might as well do it right. :) In the meantime, I can always clean out the 55 gal, fill it up with FW, and use it to soak the rock. I didn't think about using Prime to...
  4. s00z3

    Upgrading tank from 29g to 55g

    Hi all! I spent part of the morning lurking and reading, and since I have a few questions, I figured I'd go ahead and jump in. So hi. :) I've done freshwater for a few years now, bred Bettas for a while, and have a few of them at the moment. I'm not new to fish, just a bit newbish when it...