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  1. C

    Rose BTA

    My Rose Bubble Tip Anemone seems to be turning green. It is in close proximity to a Green Anemone and they often overlap. As you can see below, my rose is taking on a green hue recently. I'm wondering if this is somehow due to contact or if I simply received a dyed green from my local store.
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    Coral ID

    Hey, hoping you guys can recognize this coral. I believe it was LPS... The local fish store rep called it a ball coral, but it seems that isn't correct; not surprised.
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    New Clowns and Regal Tang

    Rainy day in Minnesota, thought I would share some media with you guys- I got ahold of a pair of Rod's Onyx Clowns the other day- really pretty fish. And this is bizarre- my Regal Tang plays with a seashell all day. Sometimes he drops it behind the rocks and I have to get it because...
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    Adding sand later?

    I took over a 29 Gallon Nano Reef setup tonight from someone who was moving. I moved the aquarium in and got it set up- the fish and corals are a little stressed but all appear fine. The original owner didn't have much for sand in it , but did give me a bag of live sand to add. I wouldn't...
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    Colt Coral kicking the bucket

    My large Colt colony, which has been growing like a weed for months has closed polyps, has turned to a darker color, and is physically shrinking. This has been going on for about two weeks, and I thought that it was just pouting temporarily, but it's been awhile. Ran the suite of water...
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    Tang being territorial

    I added a powder brown to my reef aquarium yesterday and my yellow tang whose been in for about 6 months kept pestering the new addition when it ventured to the left side of the tank. I've decided to quarantine the yellow tang and let the powder brown explore and settle. I'm hoping that...
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    Strange behavior

    My Valentini ate another one of my snails today, then he does stuff like this and totally redeems himself. What a weirdo Puffer's New Hobby
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    And I feel guilty having two Tangs in a 90 gallon. This is ridiculous. YouTube - Fish tang 3
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    Tracking application?

    Hey there, I'm a recent addition to the Reef Sanctuary Forums. I've been building my reef aquarium for about 6 months now and one piece of advice that's become manifestly clear is "be patient." I've noticed that I wish I'd written down things that I could refer back to over time (water...
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    Sick Euphyllia?

    I have a one month old Frogspawn and Hammer Coral that recently seem to appear strange. The polyps don't come out as fully as normal, seems to be less color, and the are frequently brown filaments attached to them. I've never treated a sick coral before, are there any remedies?
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    Moved a colt colony over today and noticed this on the underside of a live rock ledge. I've only been doing this for about 4 months; does anyone recognize what this is? Thanks in advance!