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  1. Daytonben

    Bubble-King style skimmer.

    So I keep reading up on skimmers. I really like the Beckett style that I've seen produced with DIY, but I like the theory behind the 'tuned-volute' styles with nice bubble plates. Something like the BubbleKing or ASM models. How would you get the inner core peices to be curved like that...
  2. Daytonben

    Ok, how did they build this?

    ZeroEdge Aquariums - A Truly Unique Reef Aquarium Check out a few of the tanks. I'm thinking that they heated the front edges to make the corners, and I'm fine with doing that. The question I have is how the managed to make the top edge appear seamless. Do you think they just hyper-polished...
  3. Daytonben


    How do most people cope with the temperature issues for a Seahorse tank? For my reefs I have always just adjusted the house to get near the desired temp and then used heaters to elevate that slightly. If I set the house to 72 and follow this plan for the seahorse tank I am going to have to...
  4. Daytonben

    Coast-to-Coast question.

    I am debating using a C-t-C overflow in my build and am curious as to the noise associated with such a unit. Anyone have experience they can lend a hand with on here? Seems like it would be louder than normal if I had a C-to-C with some wave action up top. Lemme know, thanks.
  5. Daytonben

    Wood and Glass / Acrylic-faced Sump.

    So here's a question you don't get everyday. I am planning on building my tank against the main wall in my living room. This wall backs up to my furnace / water heater closet on the other side. The current plan is to keep the DT and refugiums (I am using 2) on the living room side, and the...
  6. Daytonben

    New to Seahorses...

    Hey all. I am going to be putting up a good sized reef tank soon and then using a couple different refugium styles in the filtration center. I am thinking of having 2 large refugiums visible as displays beneath the DT and would like to have one keep seahorses. My question is how well do...
  7. Daytonben

    Junk Products.

    I umm... hrm. How do I want to do this... Yeah, there is just no good way to say this. I would like to have a list of the equipment that people have had -very negative- experiences with. Something that will give people a heads-up of things that, once purchased, just did NOT go well ever...
  8. Daytonben

    LED Reef Lighting: Everything you ever wanted to ask.

    Greetings all. I am opening this thread for the discussion of everything LED. I am really interested in the technology and would like to discuss everything from companies that have complete solutions right on down to the DIY stuff. First, I will tell you (some of this is fact, some of it...
  9. Daytonben

    "Honey, don't you think an aquarium would look nice on that wall?"

    And once she said it, the rest was history! Hi. I'm Ben. My newlywed (well, for a year now) wife is Stephanie. And this is going to be a well documented photo-journal for my 'something'-gallon build. I haven't fully settled on dimensions for the display yet. I have 9 feet of...
  10. Daytonben

    Skimmer: Narrowing it down.

    The tank is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 gallons. Very long, huge surface area compared to water volume. Something like 15"tall x 20"deep x 96"long. The tank will house a Reef with SPS (and other) corals + a fair amount of small reef fish. I'm DIY'ing the tank and sump...
  11. Daytonben

    New-to-forums question...

    Hi guys. So, I am new here and wanting to make a post that doesn't really seem to have a home. I am going to be looking for some in-depth feedback as I continue the 'research' portion of my new build. I am taking around 6 months to aquire and build all the new items for my system and am...
  12. Daytonben

    Hey all.

    So, I used to be a full-blown aquarium addict and had to quit cold-turkey for the last 8 years because life ramped up too much to be able to juggle my addiction with everything else in my life. Things have slowed and calmed a bit now though and I am jumping back in with both feet. I am newly...