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  1. clownlover

    July '09 POTM Contest~

    Duncan Coral
  2. clownlover

    Question about replacing algae covered sand with new live sand

    Won't turning off my lights be bad for my corals?
  3. clownlover

    Question about replacing algae covered sand with new live sand

    Hello everyone, I am trying to get rid of some orange/red algae that I've recently noticed growing on the substrate. I tried scooping some of it out, increasing the water flow down there and reducing my feedings to once every other day but it still keeps growing back. I was thinking of...
  4. clownlover

    Help problem with my tank!

    the water flow from my tank to the refugium was running really slow so I was trying to put the box above the water level to get the flow moving faster. I accidently moved the tube that pumps the water from the tank to the box and down to the refugium. How do I get it to work again??? please help...
  5. clownlover

    What kind of light?

    i have had these corals for over a year now using the current lighting i have now. the thing is the fish tank light isnt working so i cant turn on both bulbs, i need to get a replacement part. im just wondering which one to use until then, the white or blue.
  6. clownlover

    What kind of light?

    i have hammercoral, anenomes, trumpet coral, fox coral, elegance coral. i currently have 130W bulbs but like i said, one of my lights isnt working so I want to know which one should I be using in the mean time. the blue acintic of the white daytime lights.
  7. clownlover

    What kind of light?

    Okay so my fish tank light isnt working properly right now, so I can only use one light bulb. Which one do I need for my corals? The blue light or the white light? Please help, I just noticed my coral is starting to die. I wont be able to order another light until tomorrow.
  8. clownlover

    What can I do to help?

    It's a 75 gallon tank.
  9. clownlover

    What can I do to help?

    I have a Blue Tang, Foxface, 3 Chromis, 2 Clownfish, a firefish a Blenny, and Flame Angelfish and a Wrasse currently in the tank. This is my second sailfin because the first one mysteriously disappeared in the tank along with two chromis. Weird......
  10. clownlover

    What can I do to help?

    I have a Blue Tang, Foxface, 3 Chromis, 2 Clownfish, a firefish a Blenny, and Flame Angelfish and a Wrasse currently in the tank. This is my second sailfin because the first one mysteriously disappeared in the tank along with two chromis. Weird......
  11. clownlover

    What can I do to help?

    I just added a small sailfin tang about a week ago, and today I noticed that he was pretty beat up. I guess one of the bigger fish have been attacking him but I haven't witnessed it myself. I moved the sailfin to a quarantine tank to heal, but is there anything else I can do? I feel so bad...
  12. clownlover

    New Member

    Hello! My name is Melanie. I'll be taking care of my hubby's 72 gallon salt water fish tank while he is deployed. I'm still learning how to do that. :) Wish me luck!