Search results

  1. turbiville

    What is the longest that you have left your RSM unattended?

    One of the great luxuries of an RSM is that I feel safe enough to leave it unattended at all, but I will be going on vacation for 7 days and I haven't arranged for anyone to check on it. I plan on topping it off and shortening the light cycle to limit evaporation. I haven't fed my fish in close...
  2. turbiville

    My first impatient mistake? {PICS}

    I was in the LFS yesterday taking in some Mexican turbos that had outgrown the tank. I got a few bucks in credit and was looking at the frag tank, I saw an beautiful orange coral that I loved, my daughter thought it looked like Cheetos and she liked it too. I asked the guy what it was and he...
  3. turbiville

    Skimmer & water changes

    I do a weekly 5 gallon water change, and almost as soon as I am done, the skimmer cup is full. It can fill up 3 or more times. I started to worry that it was pulling out some of the minerals & nutrients that the fresh saltwater is replenishing, so I now shut off the skimmer until morning after a...
  4. turbiville


    I got a pair of Ocillaris (sp?) clowns last week. They are still in QT and seem happy, healthy and hungry. However, they sleep floating at the top on their sides. The first (and second) time I saw it I got that sinking feeling. Now I just want to know if it is normal behavior of if is a clue to...
  5. turbiville


    So I have been reading about a few RSM owners that trimmed down the black filter floss stuff to improve flow rates. I trimmed, then I trimmed a little more, and then I got greedy and shaved just a tiny bit more, and now have have all kinds of crap floating around (36 hours later); it looks like...
  6. turbiville

    Are these the good guys?

    I just want to be sure... The small specks move like snails.
  7. turbiville

    Common Atlantic Shore Shrimp & hydroids.

    I am developing a bit of a hydroid issue, so far I can't get rid of them. I talked to John and | Clean Up Crews and Macro Algae - Home (very patient and helpful guy, btw) and he told me that a common Atlantic shore shrimp will eat them. Is that just a regular old cocktail...
  8. turbiville

    Cheato in the back? Interesting thread developing here, I'm thinking that it might work on the RSM. Submersible LED lights stuck to the wall on the left side of the skimmer used to make a mini-refugium. Just a thought.
  9. turbiville

    UV Sterilizer for RSM 130D

    As I have mentioned in the past, when went on aquaria hiatus 10+ years ago, I had never even heard the word refugium. It was Berlin method or the up & coming Jaubert method. So what is the current thinking surrounding the use of UV Sterilizers? I found this: Vivid Aquariums - Buy Online -...
  10. turbiville

    Preemptive strike?

    I assume that this is the dreaded "bubble algae". As far as I can tell, this is the only bubble that I have in the tank. Should I attack it before it attacks me? I have an emerald crab, I was hoping he would take care of it...
  11. turbiville

    This probably isn't good....

    It was level when I set it up, but the carpet under it must have compressed awkwardly and now the front end of my RSM is 1/2 lower than the back. Which means it is leaning forward. I have wiggled it and I don't think it is going anywhere, but long term it's probably going to be a problem. I'm...
  12. turbiville

    This may be an easy one for you veterans...

    What are these, and are they good guys or bad guys? Thank you in advance! ~C
  13. turbiville

    Algal Turf Scrubber for a RSM?

    I have been reading the thread about ATS and I am intrigued. I am now thinking of ways to fit one in the RSM stand (I figure I only need 40 sq. in. of screen, if that much). Has anyone already attempted, or accomplished, this? I guess I would be using the chiller attachment, a pump going to the...
  14. turbiville

    Child Proofing an RSM 130D?

    I got the RSM for my family to enjoy, and they are. I have a friend who's toddler once poured orange juice in his sump, so the contained unit of the RSM really appealed to me since I have a 3 year old and a one year old. My three year old started opening (and trying to crawl into) the cabinet...
  15. turbiville

    It's Here!

    Virgin Post --> First of all, thank you for this sub-forum, It helped me make the decision to go with the RSM and I am very grateful. My 130D just arrived and I will be setting it up once the kids are in bed. Is there anything that you wish you had known before setting yours up? Is...