Search results

  1. M

    need a home for sailfin tang

    I have a sailfin tang, and it is not a handsome specimen. It either developed lateral line disease, or, what I think, it developed that syndrome common to it's species where it's dorsal and anal fins just shrivel up. in short, it looks like Frankenstein. The other side is, the fish is...
  2. M

    'Marine Betta' altivelis calleplesiops life span?

    Does anyone know the life expectancy of this species? I lost mine after about eight years, and I am feeling guilty, and hoping to find out it isn't completely my fault that he is no longer alive. Thanks for any info anyone can share.
  3. M

    sailfin tang { Zebrasoma veliferum} fins 'collapse'

    I have a sailfin tang and his dorsal and anal fins just disintegrated, or sort of appear to have melted and shriveled up like plastic does when it's exposed to heat. This is the second incident of this occurring in my tank, with two different individual fish. The fish store says it is a...
  4. M

    identifying fish species

    On the Drs. Foster/Smith e-mail circular which is dated 22dec12, there is a front view head-on photograph of a grouper-type fish which I am trying to identify. The fish resembles a 'jack dempsey' cichlid in facial structure and coloration. It is a pretty fish, and it definitely has a...
  5. M

    porcupine fish starved?

    I had a porcupine puffer- perfect health- excellent gluttonous appetite, active as a four year old child, etc. Then one day he stopped eating, and never ate again, finally he was on the substrate for two or three days, and then deceased. I asked the fish store if his four fused teeth could be...
  6. M

    porcupine puffer not eating

    does anyone know if this is common? This fish has been an aggressive eater for a year, now he won't eat. The fish store says it is not possible that his jaws need trimming, because that condition 'does not occur ' in porcupine puffers. He says the only thing is to try to tempt the fish into...
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    Saifin Tang skin issues

    I have had two sailfing tangs, one for several years until it got sick and died, and then a second one, which I have now for almost twenty-three months. In the last maybe eight months, this tang, which was flawless, large, and elegant when I purchased him, has started to develop these marks...
  8. M

    concern about fish change of eating habits

    my porcupine puffer has started declining to eat freeze-dried krill, a food he formerly gorged on. I have had this fish over a year and he always was a heavy, eager eater. Now he seems to be hungry, just doesn't tear into the krill as he once did. He seems to be almost shying away from biting...
  9. M

    odonus niger dying slow death

    my niger trigger is /was my favorite fish- he has been here seven years, I believe, but for the last two months he has been hiding in his rocks and not eating and never ever swimming about. I took him out to look at him and he looked perfectly normal. I am assuming some type of neurological...
  10. M

    need advice on niger trigger

    my odonus niger is about seven inches long, if you count his tail streamers. I have had this fish for over five years, closer to seven, I think. Her has only been sick once before (parasites-about four or five years ago), and he is an excellent specimen- appetite, color, personality, all...
  11. M

    looking for online source to shop for used aquarium equipment

    I was hoping someone might post a link or make a recommendation where i could shop for a bargain on a large tank. Tha nks.
  12. M

    niger trigger with porcupine puffer

    Does anyone have an opinion of whether these two fishes can live together? I have one of each in a 92 gallon corner tank, along with a sailfin tang and a 'marine betta'. I sometimes find the trigger stalking and charging the puffer, and the puffer makes a big deal of splashing around the...
  13. M

    Pufferfish(Diodon holocanthus) moping on tank floor

    I just got a pufferfish(I believe it's Diodon holocanthus) and it is lying on the tank floor, with it's tail wrapped around itself. It looks seriously unhappy. The store lady told me she had the fish for a week, but that it seemed healthy and vigorous, and that it eatsheartily and regularly...
  14. M

    fish spitting out food

    I have a odonus niger, among three other fish in my tank. Everyone seems happy & healthy, but today I noticed the trigger spitting out his food, which he almost never did before. The food is thawed plankton, which the trigger always loves, except today. The three other fish are eating the...
  15. M

    niger trigger

    I have a niger trigger for almost five years now, and his new thing is he parks /wedges himself among the top branches of a coral skeleton(one of those ones that is shaped like a saguaro cactus) and lies there with his face an inch away from the vertical stream of bubbles from an aerator on...
  16. M

    niger trigger and scooter blenny?

    I have a 92 gallon tank and it contains a odonus niger triggerfish and a calleplesiops 'marine betta', and these two have been getting along for years- although there was some serious turmoil when i introduced a pink tail trigger- the betta was getting hurt and I eventually returned the pink...
  17. M

    Freshwater Dip

    I have a pink tailed trigger which was covered with little bumps which appeared as tiny water bubbles stuck to it's body. I treated with copper meds, and it did not clear up the 'bubbles'. The 'fishmonger guy' told me to try a freshwater dip-which i have never done before, in five years of...
  18. M

    sailfin tang critically ill

    my sailfin tang is at least five years old, has always been healthy with good appetite- but his fins melted off from some auto-immune disease within the first six months I had him- other than that he has always been robust active, etcetera. He had some oodinium once or twice a few yrs back but...
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    sick fish

    my sailfin tang is at least five years old, has always been healthy with good appetite- but his fins melted off from some auto-immune disease within the first six months I had him- other than that he has always been robust active, etcetera. He had some oodinium once or twice a few yrs back...
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    question about "ultra-pure deionized water"

    I work in a metal processing room at my company, and we have a line that comes from some 'anion-cation' filters as well as some particle filters, and this hose delivers water which is labeled as written in the title. I was wondering if this water would be a suitable substitute for the distilled...